From now on, I do more than survive.

Mar 22, 2010 03:11

[OOC: This is Luke's last post where he's not dying. The dying post comes on the 30th of March. This is your warning if you want your character to interact with him. Holy mug, he's been here since the start. Fff.]

Luke Roberts is going to die soon. All the drugs in this world cannot save him. He's never had much of an immune system. The life that ( Read more... )

andy mackenzie, martha jones, robin rice, kaden minoru fuchizaki, cara quinn, rachel dawes, babel, phoebe donovan, luke roberts, gwen cooper, rusty hunt, romeo, becky trapper

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Comments 80

allmydiredreams March 22 2010, 16:30:34 UTC
Babel's been in the park. What else is new, really? As much as she'd like to spend all her time with Luke, now, it's hard to stay in the Kashtta. Harder now, since the encounter with the...whatever it was that she doesn't want to think about. And she doesn't want to admit it, but it hurts, watching Luke get worse and worse.

But the instant she's close enough to feel his bodybeat, she's there. She plops down silently on the bench next to him, nomming on her ice cream in her big fluffy coat with a smile. "Warm weather brings out all the interesting people," she says. "And their dogs."


calicoway March 22 2010, 19:32:41 UTC
Luke doesn't blame her for needing to stay out of the tower. He spends more and more time sleeping anyway. And he knows how difficult it is for her to be in the tower on a normal basis.

He looks over at her and manages a smile, not at all surprised by her presence but glad for it. More glad for it than he can possibly say. He doesn't bother trying to speak until his chest settles and the pain fades to a dull roar.

"Yeah, it does," He agrees, leaning against her slightly. "Always liked people watching. I missed it."


worseforfears March 22 2010, 17:13:01 UTC
At some point, maybe today, maybe yesterday, maybe tomorrow, a package comes in the mail for Luke, from Mexico City. It has a letter and a home-burned CD in it.


Hey, you, I haven't heard from you in a while. I guess you've probably been busy living your life, huh? I don't blame you - I've been pretty busy, too. I haven't kept in touch very well, and it makes me sad - I've never been good at it, though - after all, I just started needing to only about a year ago ( ... )


calicoway March 22 2010, 19:14:39 UTC
And this is the letter that he sends back to her.

Hey Becky,

I've been busy but not with anything important. Should have dropped you a line but I'm not so good at this either. Sorry.

Had a listen to the CD. You sound amazing. Don't understand most of what you're saying but I like how it sounds. I've listened to it a few times. Nice to hear your voice again. Was remembering about how you played at Brando's funeral. Don't know. Been doing a lot of remembering lately ( ... )


calicoway March 22 2010, 22:53:33 UTC
And then this letter is sent later on the same day.


I asked on the journals. I got a response. I don't know how to tell you this or how to make it any easier for you. Suppose there isn't any way really.

Charlie died.

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

Donna Noble wanted me to pass along her condolences. She said she would have told you about it herself, but it was a bad time for her and she hadn't thought about it.




thehighestwing March 23 2010, 03:21:40 UTC
Phoebe is also at Grant Park. She was coaxed into playing a frisbee game with a couple of kids she'd never seen before in her life. She's easily convinced into doing that sort of thing.

After an hour or so she decides she needs to take a break. She sits on the bench next to Luke's, breathless with laughter.

When she turns to him, she notices the stranger doesn't look too good.

"You okay there, cutie?"


calicoway March 23 2010, 05:29:47 UTC
"Yeah," Luke says and then manages to smile at her. It's tired but the sincerity of his emotion is there. He's missed this, too. He's missed getting to meet random people on the street, interacting them, connecting to them.

He's glad he came here, even if it means in the end that he has less time.

"I'm okay. Just wanted to get fresh air. I don't get the chance to get out much anymore. Like I used to," he says, pushing past the pain and looking out into the park. "Always plenty to see outside. In a city like this, yeah?"


thehighestwing March 26 2010, 17:10:37 UTC
She manages to smile back, small but bright. Phoebe's not always the most observant person on the planet, but she can tell he's tired.

She can also tell he really wants to be here so she crosses her legs and laughs at his own observation.

"Oh, man. Seriously. Rag on Chicago all you want--and hey, there are plenty of reasons, right?--but one thing you can't deny is it' s never boring. City always seems to be alive like that."

No matter what the hour. Glancing back at him, she gives another tiny grin. "I'm Phoebe."


calicoway March 27 2010, 02:52:40 UTC
Luke's smile widens when he sees the one on her face. It's easier to not have to explain it. The story is one that's far too long as it is, and he doesn't really think it's important anymore. He lived through so much, and he's here to have a moment before it all ends.

"There are more than enough reasons," he agrees. The smile turns softer. "I've lived here for awhile. You end up seeing a lot here, yeah? Things you never imagined. It's always... exciting. Never a dull moment."

He watches a rather odd gentleman walk in front of them on the sidewalk.

"I'm Luke." And his smile brightens again. "It's nice to meet you, Phoebe. Come to the park a lot? 've always loved it here."


torchwoodsheart March 24 2010, 03:18:38 UTC
Gwen noticed the limp and the awkward way a person holds a broken arm before anything else - she's already speeding her steps, moving to see if she can help, before she realizes that it's not just any injured person, that it's actually someone she knows.

"Oh, god, Martha!" Gwen jogs the rest of the way to meet her, glancing from her arm to her forehead. She reaches out automatically with one hand to grab Martha's uninjured arm gently, to steady her. "What happened to you?"


smithnjones March 24 2010, 06:26:18 UTC
Martha shakes her head at the sound of Gwen's voice. It isn't a big deal, though she appreciates the concern.

"Monster," she answers, breathing heavily and gesturing to the alley behind her. The carcass of the thing is lying there collecting blood beneath it. "It's alright. It's already healing. I'll be fine within the hour."

Her arm is a bit slower, but it's a more complicated wound. Her healing powers haven't been up to snuff lately as it is.

Martha manages a strained smile in her direction and wipes the sweat from her face. "How are you?"


torchwoodsheart March 24 2010, 23:45:30 UTC
Gwen glances past her to the body of the creature, and grimaces a little. "Bloody hell..." Most days, she doesn't mind Chicago being... well, like it is, but she draws the line at it trying to kill her friends. "I'll have Owen pick that thing up in a bit."

She can't help but laugh a little at that question. Like it's perfectly normal to be standing here having an ordinary conversation while Martha's got broken bones and there's a dead monster in the alley. Gwen's not sure if it makes it better or worse that it almost is perfectly normal, for them.

"I'm alright. Just out for a walk, and... do you need anything? Paracetamol? A drink?"


smithnjones March 25 2010, 02:43:46 UTC
Martha grimaces as she follows Gwen's gaze to the body of the creature. Her arm hurts, but it's nothing she can't handle. After everything, she hardly notices the pain in her arm. The grimace strains into a bit of a smile.

"I'm sure Chicago will appreciate having one less monster corpse to have to clean up and explain away," she says, rubbing her forehead with the back of her hand. The cut there has already healed.

She smiles a little more easily at the sound of Gwen's laugh. Martha has an idea about what's funny. If they couldn't hold normal conversations by now after the crazy, they'd be in for some real trouble.

"Funny. I was just out for a walk, too," Martha says, and her smile widens. "A drink sounds brilliant. A drink... or two or three."


rattle_thecages March 24 2010, 20:38:19 UTC
Rachel quickens her steps at the sight of Martha. She might have been taking a walk. She might just have been on her way to the Conrad. She isn't sure and it doesn't matter.

Worry lodges in her throat. Martha has healing powers, yes, but that doesn't stop Rachel from being concerned.

"What happened?" she asks in alarm, her eyes sweeping across Martha's frame to detect any and all injuries.


smithnjones March 25 2010, 03:05:55 UTC
Martha stops walking when she notices Rachel. She sends her a strained but sincere smile. It is always good to see Rachel again, despite the broken arm that she's currently sporting. The pain is more than manageable.

"There was a monster of some sort. More animal than monster, but it was either it or me, I'm afraid," she says, gesturing to the alleyway behind her where the carcass of the beast remains. "It's alright. I'm fine. Just a broken arm. It'll heal completely in an hour or so. It should anyway."

Her healing powers are not quite what they used to be, but they're still rather good. The cut on her forehead has already disappeared.

"How are you then?"


rattle_thecages March 28 2010, 01:59:48 UTC
It is always good to see Martha again, though Rachel would prefer it were under better conditions.

At this point, can anyone really be surprised about encounters with monsters?

"I'm fine," Rachel assures, waving the question off easily.

She hardly thinks how Rachel is should matter right now. Rachel's gaze follows to where Martha has gestured toward the alleyway before looking back at her friend.

Her face is still etched with concern, frowning deeply.

The fact someone can heal doesn't change the fact they're hurt.

"Is there anything you need?"


smithnjones March 28 2010, 03:52:56 UTC
No, random monster encounters are no longer surprising to most residents of Chicago.

If one hasn't at least happened upon a monster corpse, they've likely never left their house and even then it isn't a guarantee.

Martha doesn't know how to say that she doesn't mind getting injured. It's a reminder of the power that she has. It's a reminder of the responsibility that comes with it. Sometimes it gets too easy to forget.

She offers her a small, gentle smile.

"No, I'm really fine. Thank you. I've got to get back to the Conrad, get some water, pain medication. I might end up staying there tonight," Martha says. "Do you mind walking with me there?"


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