Most times - I miss the voice that goes unheard

Jan 09, 2010 01:18

Alfred Pennyworth is out and about. He is dressed impeccably for a day out in the cold, and he is attempting to do some shopping. There's nothing essential to buy, at the moment, merely various things for projects he has waiting back at the hotel ( Read more... )

kittentits, rachel dawes, josef soltini, rogue, john dorian (j.d.), wes gannon, alfred pennyworth, nikolas demidov

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Comments 74

rattle_thecages January 9 2010, 08:00:01 UTC
Here, Alfred. Have someone you haven't seen in a good while, only you just did. Rachel can apparently never have enough of her favorite British butler. It's the only British butler she knows, yes, but even if she knew a hundred, Alfred Pennyworth would still be her favorite.

And the narration doesn't really know the reason Rachel is shopping, as well. Possibly she's trying to bake another pie. An actual pie.

Maybe. Not really.

"You look," Rachel decides with a sly grin on her face once she spots Alfred, "like a man on a mission."


apennyworth January 10 2010, 09:02:24 UTC
It has been entirely too long since Alfred has seen Rachel Dawes. As it was just recently, it is still entirely too long.

The narration winces at the implication that Rachel might consider attempting another pie...but with great affection.

"I am, indeed," Alfred replies, turning at the familiar voice. "A mission in several parts. There is a bit of cleaning to do, and I am afraid lemon oil is only suitable in my regard." This is said with no little bit of amused reflection on Alfred's part.

He is well aware he has more than one...'quirk'.

"It would seem the second part of my mission is achieved, as I have, most certainly, ran into someone who has brightened my day."


rattle_thecages January 11 2010, 01:16:17 UTC
Rachel really should never be allowed to try such a thing ever again. The narration is understood.

"Ah. Cleaning. I might have guessed. And of course nothing more and nothing less than lemon oil."

He does have quirks, many of them, and Rachel loves them all. It's familiar, and in familiarity she finds great comfort.

"You've always been a flatterer, Alfred." She stuffs her hands into her coat's pockets. "Need some help?"


apennyworth January 11 2010, 02:31:11 UTC
Alfred chuckles, nodding his head in agreement. "Precisely, my dear."

He thinks that, of all people, Rachel can understand best the need for lemon oil. It is not the nature of it's effectiveness, certainly. It is not even, as some might assume, the need to bring a bit of Gotham closer. is more to have the sense of home become all the more clear here in Chicago.

"It is hardly flattery when the truth is spoken," Alfred counters, and the look upon his face could easily be called...a grin.

"Help would be most appreciated." It is not the help, of course, but the company that is most appreciated.


tempered_scars January 9 2010, 08:03:33 UTC
Wes has a room at the Conrad. He uses it every now and then, and last night, he just so happened to end up there because it was closer than his bike shop.

He's in the common room, head canted to the side as he stares at Rogue while she battles with a fearsome...blanket.

Clearing his throat, he folds his arms across his chest in amusement. "May I ask what yer doin'?"


touchme_n_die January 10 2010, 09:15:36 UTC
Rogue's hair falls in her face as she twists her neck to look up at Wes.

As she doesn't really have an 'oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed' expression, she shoots for exasperation. It doesn't really work.

"I was tryin' to get comfortable and warm," she explains, giving the blanket another yank while she attempts to stand up. The effort is...bad. It's bad. "I don't usually comfy on up in these pants, but they're the most-" Rogue roots around in her brain for a word that works. "They're the most...familiar pants I've got and I wanted to relax and there're buckles, and the blanket is caught on 'em, and...yeah. I realize I'm on the floor and I look ridiculous, and I won't get mad if you laugh."

She's lying. She'll so get mad.

"What're the chances we can have a chit-chat while you pretend I'm not stuck to the blanket and on the floor?"

What do you know? Of all her expressions, there is a hopeful one. She's wearing it...with much more success than the pants.


tempered_scars January 11 2010, 01:19:05 UTC
Wes still has his arms folded across his chest, giving her a look of genuine bafflement.

She should probably smack him for this then, because Wes does end up chuckling a bit, albeit quietly. He does try being polite, especially in front of a lady.

"You've got great chances of that happening, despite the fact I'm not a chatty kinda guy. But first I gotta wonder if you might need some help with that thing so we can skip a step altogether."

Another small chuckle.

Wes, he's so thoughtful, isn't he, Rogue?


touchme_n_die January 11 2010, 03:05:51 UTC
There will be no smacking, of course. Rogue doesn't deliberately do harm to handsome men...well...not a lot, at any rate.

"...Skip a step?"

Rogue clears her throat, then tugs harder and the blanket rips. Her eyes slide shut for a moment, then she smiles sheepishly and somehow manages to get herself at least back up on the couch.

"That's...sweet, sugar, really." She may not have an embarrassed expression, but her skin (as ALWAYS) betrays her, turning a bright red.

Gloved hands fly up to her face, covering her cheeks, and she shakes her head. Take a moment, move past it...nothing stands still.

Her smile more relaxed now, she laughs. "If you ain't chatty, how am I supposed to find out anythin' about you?"


i'm all up in ur post, oh yes :| destroytheother January 9 2010, 08:06:11 UTC
When Nikolas reaches his building, he'll find Josef leaning against one of its walls, as unflappable as ever.

Or at least, that is the image he's presenting. Inwardly, he may be reeling for plenty of reasons--not all of them related to Nikolas-but the trick is to never let them see it, right?

And at the sight of that broad smile on his uncle's face, Josef says sarcastically, "You look like you just sliced a newborn's neck."


Have I told U lately that ILU? - Yes, I sang that... swallowmyblood January 10 2010, 09:27:25 UTC
Josef is not really the sight Nikolas was hoping to see, but there is a moment of thoughtfulness at the cool, unreadable expression on the other man's face.

"Now, now," Nikolas responds, his face still as pleased as it was moments ago. "You say that like just any newborn would do." The pleased look shifts into one of a man sharing an inner joke with a friend. Such actors in this family, no?

Sharing is caring, Josef.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" No, really. He'd love to know.


*dies* No. Fill my heart with gladness, yo. :| destroytheother January 11 2010, 01:22:32 UTC
Josef takes his weight off the building's wall, meeting his uncle half way. Where there was once an unreadable expression, now there's just a vague hint of amusement.

He lifts his hands up in a gesture of harmless surrender.

"I need a reason?"

Josef is sure he really would love to know.


Ease my troubles...that's WHAT U DO. 4 SRS. ;D swallowmyblood January 11 2010, 03:25:07 UTC
'I need a reason?'

Nikolas' face takes on a curious note. "Of course not, nephew. You, above all others, know what family means to me. You're...always welcome."

His eyes take a brief visit to his building, then back to Josef. "Is this business, or would you care to go inside and have a longer visit?"

Nikolas lifts his back slightly, causing it to wave more noticeably. "I just bought a frame for that lovely picture you sent." He did. He'll frame the picture and hang it up to look at every day. Nikolas wonders if his mouth will scar from the continual biting down every time he passes it.

He hopes so.


sensi_doctor January 10 2010, 03:59:02 UTC
JD is out and about as well though he's not shopping and he is not dressed as well as Alfred. He is doing what's called window shopping, but he stops to admire the way that Alfred's dressed.

It's not everyday that stylish people are walking around Chicago after all! Chicago is not New York City, the city of fashion and arts and smart people. Chicago is the windy city! The city of Rifts and angels- and okay, he knows angels come from places that are not Chicago, but- He will stop rambling into narration now.

"Hey, man, you're stylish," JD says, complete with hands shaped as guns and pointed his way. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your shopping but- You're dressed very well, and I thought that it should be pointed out."


apennyworth January 10 2010, 09:08:21 UTC
Alfred is slightly startled, but it does not show. Instead, a warm smile is displayed with absolute sincerity at the young man's thoughtful compliment.

He turns and inclines his head. "It is no interruption, Sir, and I appreciate your very kind remarks."

Because the man has been so kind and because Alfred does enjoy making the acquaintance of new people, he does not return to his shopping. Instead, his focus remains on the man, polite interest showing in his expression.

As he is ill-suited to be addressed as man, he deems it correct to make an introduction. "I am Alfred Pennyworth, Sir. It is certainly a pleasure to meet you." A brief pause, and then... "Are you shopping, as well?"


sensi_doctor January 11 2010, 01:01:44 UTC
The narration will have to apologize for everything that JD is about to do.

For one, he isn't used to being called Sir so he kind of repeats it in a similar sounding, fancy voice and laughs a little, shaking his head in disbelief. Oh, the things that one can discover in Chicago, including an obviously well dressed man who thinks that he should call him (JD of all people) sir.

And then JD hears the name, and he knows who this is automatically. After all, he met the Batman not long ago at all. It's not like this is a far stretch of the mind at all. His eyes widen. His mouth drops open, and he... falls on his knees again in some kind of hero worship here. So. So. Sorry Alfred.

"Holy- Alfred Pennyworth as in the Alfred Pennyworth of- of- helping with the Bat- the Bruce Wayne, and HOLY moly, da-a-a-a-a-No. Will not say that word. I almost cussed in front of Alfred. Somebody hit me." JD reaches for his hand, takes it, and shakes it. What the shake lacks for in manliness or strength, it makes up for in enthusiasm and the inability to ( ... )


apennyworth January 11 2010, 02:49:44 UTC
Alfred Pennyworth is...taken off guard.

There has never been a day in his life where he has been greeted with such...enthusiasm.

As before, Alfred is a bit uncomfortable being confronted with the truth of this world, and the lack of secrecy for Master Bruce. It is always his first instinct to protect the secret and, in doing so, protect Master Bruce.

However, this young man does not seem to mean any harm. Quite the opposite, he appears to be very nice...and enthusiastic. The enthusiasm was mentioned before, yes?

JD already has Alfred's hand, of course, so Alfred does not move it away. Perhaps, he can help the man up shortly. At any rate, there will certainly be no hitting.

'This is probably very weird, isnt it?'

Oh yes. QuiteHis eyebrows arched up in surprise, and perhaps a bit of amusement, Alfred smiles kindly. "Please, Sir. Allow me to help you up. The ground is no place to be." He wonders at how the introduction went between this young man and Master Bruce, and he very nearly laughs. Let it not be said Alfred ( ... )


ohboythepipes January 10 2010, 04:07:08 UTC
Danny is a creeper. He is not going to say anything to Rogue while he watches her struggle. He's just going to stand in the doorway and watch her in her struggle. Wanderers are funny.

He's just going to stand there and watch, smiling and raising his eyebrow as he watches her, wondering how long it will take her to pull herself free. If she notices him, he might offer his help. Maybe. Danny can be an ass. The narration apologizes for that in advance.


touchme_n_die January 10 2010, 09:22:31 UTC
Rogue's perception skills are not the best even when she's at her best. It's going to take her a while to figure out she's being watched.

Yanking at the blanket hard, she manages to finally yank it away from her pants. Sort of. She rips the blanket in half.

Sighing heavily, she works her way into a sitting position and crosses her legs, the half-blanket still stuck to the left side of her body.

Out of the corner of her eye, she notices Danny and looks directly at him. Enjoying the show, she thinks. She's irritated, but it's directed at herself. Trying very hard to school her face into an expression that does not say 'You just caught me wrestling with myself and a blanket', she smiles. ...So awkward, Rogue.

"Been there a while?"


ohboythepipes January 11 2010, 01:36:38 UTC
Danny raises an eyebrow at her when she asks that question. He's incapable of holding back amusement at this point though he does finally walk out of the doorway to admire her handiwork from close up. He may have snorted laughter when the blanket ripped in half.

"Who me?" He points to himself and looks around dramatically as if there's anyone else that she could possibly be talking to in this room. "It depends on your definition of a while. But yeah, guess by most definitions you might say so. Thought about helpin' but I had faith you could get out of it on your own. And I was half right."

Danny picks up the other half.

"I'm sure there are a lot of half people out there who'd appreciate a blanket like this."


touchme_n_die January 11 2010, 03:17:28 UTC
Rogue has never quite been able to do the single eyebrow arch, so both go shooting up onto her forehead at the snorting laughter.

"Yeah, you," she remarks. "I'll keep that bit of faith close to my heart, then. Take it out on a cloudy day."

There is not a facepalm when he says he was half right, but it's a near thing.

She runs a hand through her hair and watches him pick up the other half. Her eyes close and she laughs, in spite of herself. "If I can ever get this other half free, there'll be even more to appreciate."

Her mood lifted a bit, because she is able to laugh at herself. And...well. It's a good situation to laugh at herself. "I'm Rogue. You got a name?"


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