Time, Time, Time, See What Has Become Of Me

Jan 06, 2010 08:38

It's the late afternoon and Elliot is currently going over some of her paperwork while sitting in a small cafe. She's ordered her soy latte a while ago, and it sits on the corner of her table, mostly untouched. It hasn't been easy on her, being away from her family and friends (Other than JD who she hasn't seen since the one time she ran into him, ( Read more... )

medusa, elliot reed, marshall flinkman, john dorian (j.d.), elle bishop

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Comments 33

akablackkitty January 7 2010, 02:28:03 UTC
The cafe's crowded and Marshall, who has decided to take a break from being in the Kashtta because Matoi being invisible is making him twitchy, has nowhere to sit. He eventually sort of ambles up to Elliot's table, because she seems like the friendliest of the group and sort of flails at the crowd.

"Um. Excuse me. I, uh, couldn't help but notice, but, uh..." He coughs, more than a little nervous. Talking to strangers? Not Marshall's strong suit. "Do you mind if I sit here?" He gestures to the chair across from her.


elliotreed January 7 2010, 06:23:05 UTC
Elliot glances up at him, surprised at his question. He wants to sit with her? She can't help but feel just a little bit nervous, suddenly. "No, yes, I mean..." She looks around, it's not like there are a lot of other places he could sit or anything. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down a little. "Yes, that would be fine, just let me clear some of my stuff out of your way."

She stands up and begins to try to gather her papers into a more tidy stack when she accidenty knocks a pile of them on the ground.

"Frick on a stick!"


akablackkitty January 8 2010, 07:29:23 UTC
"Oh, hey! It's no problem!" Marshall says, somehow equally awkward... Because clearly the problem here is he's being forward or he smells or she hates people or something. "I got it." He places his coffee on the table and works on gathering the papers up off the floor, looking up at her with a sheepish smile. "Happens to me, um, all the time. I'm constantly tripping over things, knocking things over... Falling out of things. It-It's kind of a curse. Um... I'm Marshall, by the way."


elliotreed January 8 2010, 12:10:05 UTC
"Yeah, I kind of do it a lot too, I mean I'll be paying attention one moment and then my head is off thinking something the next and suddenly I've tripped or dropped something or something equally embaressing" She admits in her typical long winded fashion with a sheepish smile as she takes her papers from him, carefully putting them away in her bag now. At least he's nice and not some kind of weirdo or something. Or at least he doesn't seem like one. It's hard to tell, sometimes. "I'm Elliot," She introduces herself with a smile, offering him one of her hands.


sensi_doctor January 7 2010, 08:12:52 UTC
Sorry, Elliot. JD has been seeing you as often as he likes. It comes with having the ability to create illusions of people that are so life like he can hug them.

"Elliot, hey!" He smiles at her, waving his hand and settling down in a seat at her table.

Hey, they're friends. He can sit at her table without asking, and he does so. He'd probably do so even with someone that wasn't his friend but the narration digresses.

"What's going on?"


elliotreed January 7 2010, 11:52:24 UTC
Elliot looks up from her paperwork at the sound of the familiar voice and breaks out into a bright smile. "JD!" She cries out enthusiastically, moving aside some of her stuff so her can sit down. She doesn't mind him sitting down at all. She's always felt a little awkward sitting alone in resturants and cafes anyways. It makes her feel like she was back in high school again and high school was lonely and isolating, especially the first couple of years and she always hated sitting alone and-

She catches herself before she gets too lost down on memory lane.

"How have you been?"


sensi_doctor January 9 2010, 01:53:31 UTC
"I've been good," JD says though that is really debatable. He thinks he's been feeling good so it translates well enough to his face. "How about you? Enjoying winter?"

He looks over her paperwork. It looks familiar. It's been so long since he did paperwork of any kind. He almost misses it.


But JD never lets himself think of anything long enough to miss it.


elliotreed January 9 2010, 03:16:33 UTC
"I've been enjoying it well enough, I mean, it's been cold as frick, but it could be worse, I'm sure."

Plus, during the winter she can wear gloves, and less people complain about her hands feeling like ice.

"What about you? Did you have a nice Christmas?"


neveravictim04 January 9 2010, 03:22:37 UTC
Medusa has just walked into a small cafe, asking the workers for honey.

"I am willing to work for it," she says. She's been through this a few times already today, so is therefore unsurprised when all she receives for her troubles are confused frightened looks and most definite "no"s.

Medusa turns from the counter and begins for the door, intent on leaving the cafe. But then something catches her attention, just out of the corner of her eye.

There is a woman with glorious blond hair sitting alone at a table. Her head is down. She does not appear to notice Medusa's presence. Medusa's eyes widen, and it seems her heart will beat out of her chest. She is so frightened, she is sickened.

But that does not keep her from striding over to that table and kneeling before the girl, head down.

"Athene," she breathes, and looks up into the divine face. Some part of her knew that someday Athena would follow her here ( ... )


elliotreed January 10 2010, 07:08:48 UTC
Elliot blinks in confusion at the voice. Athene? Wasn't that the Greek Goddess of Wisdom or something like that? Why is someone calling her that?

She looks down, seeing a strange girl kneeling in front of here, almost in reverence. Her skins crawls a little from the other's presence, and she can't place why. But there is something off here, that much she knows.

"I think you have me mistaken for someone else."


neveravictim04 January 11 2010, 04:42:17 UTC
Medusa looks up at her, confused.

"Are you trying to trick me, Athena?" Her face and voice hardens. It would make sense for her. Perhaps she feels shame for what she has done.

Medusa is unsure how she would feel about that.

"I would know you anywhere. You have been dropped into this world as I have. You may not reveal yourself to anyone else here but I know you."

She is still kneeling.


elliotreed January 11 2010, 08:44:44 UTC
"I'm not trying to trick you," Elliot assures her with a smile. "I mean, you would know if I was, and even then, I've never been a very good trickster anyways. That's definitely more of JD and Turk's sort of thing, really."

Not that this girl knows who Turk and JD are, but oh well.

She takes a breath and then continues. "But I'm not Athena. Really. I'm just Elliot. Elliot Reed. Well, not just Elliot Reed, technically is Dr. Elliot Reed, but that's just a formality I guess."


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