Oh, it's so ironic; you've got the good book, your name's still on it

Oct 02, 2009 02:58

There are a lot of commuters on Chicago's streets today, who can be caught between or at their destinations.

Ruvin is on her way to see Wyatt. She wasn't sure about doing this, but... She felt better, last time she was there, however brief their talk was. And even if the medication has side effects that she didn't expect, it still helped her ( Read more... )

gail chandler, rachel dawes, radcliff scott, ruvin, aniki forfrysning, csp-04, isabelle kozlov, den varlis

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npcyoface October 2 2009, 22:34:57 UTC
When Ruvin gets to Wyatt's office, the receptionist is seated at her desk. She's actually a new receptionist, not the same one that was here last time. Mary is on the phone when Ruvin enters. Paperwork is stacked up on the desk.

"Okay. Appointment moved to- uhm... When did we say, again? Okay! Good. Uh-huh. Right. Thursday. 11. I'll- Okay, but-" Mary frowns and puts the phone up. "Hi! I'm so sorry about that. Can I help you?" She moves some papers over trying to find the schedule which is, also, on her computer if she could ever figure out how to get to it. "Did you have an appointment?"


mindbulletz October 14 2009, 06:58:37 UTC
Wyatt nods as he listens to her speak, but he doesn't say anything in response or to mention her world.

"It is incredibly difficult, but it's important if we ever want to offer effective help to those who come looking for it. I hate telling people that so much is up in the air that there is no hope at all so we set parameters as well as we can, run tests, and offer what hope."


changingtheodds October 14 2009, 09:12:54 UTC

Maybe that's why Robin keeps coming here. Ruvin clenches and unclenches her hands in her lap, not wanting to wonder if maybe, maybe, she's just jealous. Not that she's trying to protect Robin, not that Wyatt is wrong somehow.

"Does it work?"


mindbulletz October 14 2009, 21:58:44 UTC
"It depends on the individual, on their particular issues and their body's tolerances and reactions to a combination of drugs. It's not guaranteed, not to anyone, but I've seen these drugs and therapy sessions do amazing things in people's lives. We've been able to help a lot of people who thought there was no help for them," Wyatt says, quietly, generalizing the question though he's certain that he knows who and what she's referring to when she asks if it works.

Wyatt folds his hands.

"Sometimes giving them the sense that they can be helped is enough to make a significant difference in their lives, especially when they've been told their entire lives that their situation is hopeless. And together we work and work with a patient until we find something that works."


changingtheodds October 15 2009, 06:54:52 UTC
She knows what people think of vengeance angels. Robin's said it himself.

Told their entire lives that their situation is hopeless...

And someone is trying to help them anyway. Wyatt is--

Ruvin presses her hands against her face. "I really want to believe you," she says. "I really want to believe you're just trying to make things better for him. He thinks you can make things better."

She looks at Wyatt between her fingers, doubt boiling once again into anger and resolve. "If anything happens to him because of you--"

I will unmake you. I will unmake you and everything you love.

She flinches, hisses at her own thoughts. The monster is back, the writhing, angry beast that remembers everything she can do. "I love him."


mindbulletz October 15 2009, 07:38:44 UTC
"But you don't believe me," Wyatt supplies for her though neither of them needed her to. It was obvious by her use of the phrase want to believe that something is keeping her from believing that what he says is entirely true, which he thinks is a shame ( ... )


changingtheodds October 15 2009, 09:02:51 UTC
It makes her feel good, knowing that--even if it was a threat. She was going to threaten Wyatt too, after all. She did, in fact, if only by implication.

...Can that really make a difference? Someone like her, someone so willing to edge into violence--how can that possibly be good for Robin?

The thought hurts. Ruvin squeezes her hands against her knees.


mindbulletz October 15 2009, 09:15:08 UTC
"Are you alright?"

Wyatt caught the look on her face and the way her hands squeeze her knees. He was a born observer, and he's become more talented at that than anything else. It's a very useful, necessary skill to have as a scientist in any field.


changingtheodds October 15 2009, 09:19:01 UTC
Is anyone who comes to you all right?

She snaps back on the words, takes a breath, centers herself. She used to be so calm. She swears she used to be so much calmer than this.

"No," she says. It's the truth, isn't it? "I haven't been for-- since I came here. Since before I came here."

Was she ever?


mindbulletz October 15 2009, 17:17:43 UTC
"I'm sorry to hear that. It's not as though Chicago is exactly a healthy environment for becoming alright," Wyatt says, not willing yet to push her into talking about what she doesn't want to talk about. She still doesn't trust him. It wouldn't be wise.

No, it is a destructive, violent place, which is why he's here.

He only needed an opening, a way in, a reason, and detailed reports of how destructive a city this is. All of that came from Robin.

Wyatt firmly believes there's no where else in the world that needs his help more.


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