Well, you know me, I never learn. So peel me off the hook.

Apr 04, 2009 00:36

Rusty Hunt leans against a tree in a park with his face pressed up against the bark. There's only partial awareness of his surroundings right now. He's supposed to be working. He hasn't sold shit this week. Rusty feels like shit. Sick as fuck. The trashcan sitting a foot away from him is filled with trash and his vomit. He may have seriously fucked ( Read more... )

the doctor (ten), martha jones, julia angelos, malek asenath, robin rice, raziel, fritz antonius, luke roberts, jamal malik, john dorian (j.d.), desmond descant, rachel conway, rusty hunt, npc

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Comments 229

thatsortofaman April 4 2009, 06:20:43 UTC
The Doctor, not entirely uncharacteristically, is in the kitchen already, poking around in the cupboards for biscuits or chocolate or something, considering the toaster and wondering if Martha would ever have to know if he disassembled it a little, took out a few of the less necessary parts and put it back together just the way he found it...

Also, she never left any notes about not disassembling the refrigerator.

He jumps a little as he hears Martha's footsteps coming toward the kitchen, and spins toward the doorway, looking pointedly innocent. "I didn't touch the toaster."


smithnjones April 4 2009, 07:11:08 UTC
Martha almost jumps seeing him in there. The previous times that she'd waken from the nightmare usually has her walking down the stairs and to the kitchen, and he had never been there before, much as she had hoped that he would be. She didn't quite expect him there.

She snorts at his reaction to her.

"Didn't say you did. Wasn't actually... even thinking it." She smirks. "Glad to see you reacting appropriately to the note."

Martha pauses as the thought occurs to her, and she steps quickly into the kitchen. "You're not... touching anything else you want to take apart, are you? I like my appliances. They make me happy!"


thatsortofaman April 4 2009, 07:34:27 UTC
"No!" he says, his voice sliding just a little higher than usual. The way it does when he's not quite lying, but possibly omitting a few facts. "I was just... here. Thinking." He does not shoot a guilty look at the refrigerator at that comment. Absolutely not.

He blinks after a second, and glances to the clock on the microwave like he's double checking something he'd already suspected. "Isn't it a bit early for you to be up? I mean... sleeping... sort of necessary for you humans..."


smithnjones April 5 2009, 01:11:46 UTC
Martha raises her eyebrows. Yes, it's suspicion that crosses her features briefly as she looks at him. "I'll be watching you, Mister."

She points her finger at him. Fear the finger, or fear the wrath behind the finger. She'll put sticky notes on everything in this room if she has to. More than once.

Martha hoists herself onto a counter near him.

"I was... sleeping. I just..." She takes in a deep breath. The residual feelings from that nightmare hit her hard, and she has to resist jumping from the counter and grabbing hold of him. "I just woke up, again, is all..."

He's here. He isn't leaving, and she's being silly to let nightmares affect her like she's a child.


evengodsdo April 4 2009, 06:34:26 UTC
Julia likes rooftops. Gives her a good view of the city, helps her understand the place from a different perspective. She's not much for the suicidal thoughts, although thoughts of Falling... well, they're not far from her mind, after what happened to her mother. But that's less a literal fall, and a much more devastating one.

Julia's used to standing and watching as the mighty topple, and she still doesn't quite know what to think.

As she steps out onto the roof, she blinks, seeing that there's someone already out there. And... oh. Well, that's... fairly unsurprising.

"You know, the broody vengeance angel thing was interesting when I was much younger. It's kind of gotten old now..." As she speaks, she moves toward him, smooth and almost predatory. She's not sure he's considering jumping. She's not sure she'd stop him if he did - vengeance angels have it rough, and there are worse reasons to Fall. At the moment, she's just... talking.


with_coffee April 4 2009, 07:36:13 UTC
Robin jumps at the sound of her voice, dropping the cigarrette on the ledge. He doesn't turn around just yet. She is perhaps the last person he wanted to run into up here. Not that he wanted to run into anyone. His visits to the roof occur several times a day, and he would rather have them all undisturbed.

Something seems entirely wrong about brooding in her presence.

He can't place why. He could try to place why, but he would rather not think about it. Robin turns toward her, half way, enough to look at her face. He does his best to completely ignore the way that she looks. Almost like she's going to... pounce on him or something. And not in the good way.

"To my credit, I came to the roof to brood." His lip quirks into a little smile as he forces the residual emotions away, again. It's surprisingly easy to do in her presence. "It doesn't tend to be filled with people. It's not like it's a major hang out or anything ( ... )


evengodsdo April 4 2009, 08:46:58 UTC
Julia smirks, just a little at that. With most angels, she'd question that "younger days" comment when she knows he can't be older than a century or so, and that's pushing it. But vengeance angels... Them, she cuts a little slack.

"Well, congratulations for growing out of that. I won't hold it against you this time, then." She reaches the edge of the roof and peers over it, down at the ground below, and then out across the city, in the opposite direction of the lake.

"I can see why you come up here. Peaceful a place as you're gonna get in Chicago..."


with_coffee April 5 2009, 01:03:50 UTC
"And I appreciate that." He smirks and turns back out to face the rest of the world when she reaches the edge. "Yeah. Nice place for brooding... and introspection or meditation, I suppose. And smoking. Contrary to popular belief, I'd like to avoid giving everyone cancer."

Robin winces.

Why did he say that?

Why do certain people knock down all of the walls and turn him into such an idiot in under a minute?


mustardwithat April 4 2009, 08:26:27 UTC
Fritz watches Robin from the stairwell, a cigarette pressed against her lips. She stays that way for a while, just watching, but when it's clear he's not going to move she comes out onto the roof. "For someone who doesn't plan to jump you've spent a helluva time painting bulls-eyes with your eyeballs."


with_coffee April 5 2009, 00:36:42 UTC
Robin tenses. He's not really surprised that she's here. The first time he met her was on this very roof. It's like their... place. Or something. He snorts. The roof turning into a bloody hangout place for people who need quality introspection.

"I thought you told me it wasn't any of your business what I planned. Wanted. Whatever." He doesn't bother turning around, just thankful he managed to keep a hold of his cigarrette. "I'd ask how many more acrobats you've done on the ledge, but that's none of my business either."


mustardwithat April 6 2009, 02:06:26 UTC
"It's not. Just observing." She strides over to the edge, flicks her cigarette over and into the wind, and then hoists herself up onto it--

--and does a handstand. She walks on her hands past Robin, turns carefully to face him, then turns again and does a slow cartwheel back onto her feet.


with_coffee April 6 2009, 02:34:15 UTC
"Yeah. Course. Just observing."

Robin pulls back from the edge when she climbs up on to it. He has this deep rooted fear that if he's too close and breathes too hard that it'll push her over, and he really doesn't want to be responsible for her death.

He can't take watching her like this. Finally he just flails and says, "Stop!"


gotbottle April 4 2009, 15:38:56 UTC
Rachel's become fascinated by the city's parks. She'd done that when she moved to New York, too, and in DC, Seattle, and San Jose before that. As much as she loves big cities and the things they have to offer, the girl who grew up surfing the ocean and hiking the mountains along the southern California coastline still feels an undeniable need to seek out open spaces. Places with trees, grass, water, and at least a glimpse of the blue sky between the tall buildings ( ... )


trivialsublime0 April 5 2009, 00:16:28 UTC
Rusty blinks. Awareness hits him slowly. Someone's talking to him, asking if he's alright. Real nice of 'em. Calling him sir? He turns so that his back is pressed up against the tree instead of his side. She is not a junkie. There's something... else about her. Not a demon.


It took him way too long to find that word. He opens his mouth. She asked him...something. What was it again? What the fuck is going on?

"Uh." He coughs more out of a need to make sound than a need to cough. "... What?"


gotbottle April 5 2009, 00:28:50 UTC
Rachel's brows knit a bit closer in concern, but she offers Rusty a polite smile. "I'm sorry," she says softly, canting her head a bit. "I didn't mean to, like, bug or startle you or anything. I just--"

She gestures at the tree trunk behind him.

"I saw you leaning there and I wasn't sure if you were okay. I thought I'd check. Is everything all right, sir?"


trivialsublime0 April 5 2009, 01:36:12 UTC
"Sir?" Rusty snorts. "Don't think anyone's called me 'sir' before."

He didn't think he was still high, but now he's starting to wonder. It's hard to focus and everything's funny, even though he wants to vomit, again.

"Yeah." Rusty runs a hand over his face. "Everythin's... fine. Just sick's all. Real nice of you to... stop and ask. You don't gotta call me sir or nothin' though. I ain't that... I ain't the kinda guy, you call 'sir', ya know?"


nothingsodivine April 4 2009, 22:23:28 UTC
Des is out for a walk at the pier, because for all that he has probably walked the length of this city five times over, he doesn't really spend a lot of time around the pier for some reason.

And apparently he lucked out today! For there is a familiar face he never gets to see as often. He strides over to Luke and leans against the pier beside him. "You know, I hear there's a Rift in the lake."

Greetings? Des don't need no steenkin' greetings.


calicoway April 5 2009, 00:27:03 UTC
Luke hops up from the railing at the sound of a familiar, friendly voice. He smiles and raises his eyebrows.

"Really?" He tilts his head to the right. "And where'd you hear a thing like that?" Not that he doubts the source of Des' information.

Des is a detective after all. He can tell the difference between good information and bad. It's been a long time, but he hasn't forgotten his heroes from the basement. Some are gone, some remain... bloody hell, he's tip toeing into Beatles territory. The point is it was the memory of them and the adventures that they had that kept him going in the other world.


nothingsodivine April 5 2009, 03:03:03 UTC

"People." He shrugs, wincing a bit, because the person he heard it from was Kara. "One person, actually. She used to talk about something down there missing its mate since it came through or... Something." He climbs up on the bottom rung of the railing and leans out and over, staring down in the depths of the lake. "Sometimes if you look carefully, you can see something huge down there."

He doesn't step back, still scanning the water as if looking for something. "So how are you, Cat-Boy? Ain't seen you since Christmas."

And before that he hadn't seen him since before that mass exodus. The times, they are a-changin', and everyone keeps moving on.


calicoway April 5 2009, 03:46:06 UTC
Luke notices the wince, because he's always in tuned to other people and their emotions. He's not psychic, but he notices the little movements of the face like winces and grimaces. Luke doesn't mention it though beyond standing closer to Des than he would have otherwise when he jumps up on the railing next to him.

So much has been lost they couldn't quite cover it all if they tried.

"You can?" Luke stares into the water and takes a gulp of his milk. "I dunno if I see anything at all, but never really noticed that sort of stuff."

He turns toward Des and half grins, mostly at the nickname, though there's a distracted look in his eyes. "Yeah, sorry. We were supposed to go out for beer, yeah? Just been busy. I'm alright though. 've been worse. Been better, too, but I've been worse. Haven't had it nearly so bad as a lot of people these days..." Even if the CLF has been quiet lately. "What about you?"


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