Oh my beautiful liar...

Jan 25, 2009 21:14

Despite the sub-freezing weather, there are still a few people out and about in Chicago.

There's a whore walking the streets of Chicago, but not for the reasons you'd think. A blue-haired demon who goes by Indigo Jones has spent the day shopping, and is in a pretty good mood. She's locked her bags in the trunk of her car, and now she's searching ( Read more... )

owen harper, leona sandric, eric delaflote, anka petrovic, babel, indigo jones, schrödinger, abby maitland, maximilian j. maxwell, shepherd book

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Comments 38

leanhungrytype January 26 2009, 07:39:09 UTC
Anka is, once again, out and about. Possibly she's just bored staying where it's warm, possibly she wanted to get something to eat, or possibly she's just weird. Either way, she's back out on the streets in her coat and boots that make her look like a tiny bear. She was content to just stare at the carnival posters, but the minute she sees Indigo, she skips over.

"Doesn't keep you as warm as it should, but is fun, yes?" She does a little hop-skip to indicate that was what she means just in case that's not immediately clear.


deepestindigo January 26 2009, 17:49:55 UTC
It's another demon! Indy likes other demons. But then, Indy likes everyone. And if she finds out that Anka's another Organization demon, that'll be even better.

She grins broadly at Anka. "Yeah, there's always that. I'm Indy. Short for Indigo, not Indiana. Want some sugar?" She offers the Pixy Stix tube.


leanhungrytype January 26 2009, 19:42:02 UTC
"Matches your hair, it does." Anka nods, grinning toothily. Somehow it does not occur to her that this may be a very obvious thing, but, well, Anka is Anka and noting things that are probably obvious is just a thing she do.

She eyes the Pixy Stick tube curiously. The poor, little depraved demon has never actually discovered the wonders of Pixy Sticks, so she's completely confused by the prospect of just eating what she assumes is just plain sugar. "Sugar? Like for baking? You... Can eat that by itself?"

Looks like you'll have to enlighten her, Indy.


deepestindigo January 27 2009, 02:30:35 UTC
This girl's never had Pixy Stix. This is apparently deeply wrong and offensive to Indy.

"No, no, not the kind for baking. It's flavored. Really good. See?" She tips her head back and pours a thin stream of green powder into her mouth, then offers it to Anka. "Try some!"

She bounces a little on the balls of her feet, still grinning.


chimaerasaurus January 26 2009, 08:17:03 UTC
Howabout some lonliness, Eric? There's plenty of that in Abby's corner. She's doodling budget plans and travel notes on a napkin, slightly pink-cheeked already from downing the cheapest beer she can find. She was going to meet someone there.

He stood her up.


wineandvenom January 26 2009, 23:31:17 UTC
Abby's probably the best prospect he's had all night, which really isn't saying much. Still, that loneliness is something he can work with. It might be good for a distraction, at least.

He's not going to approach her directly, but a few minutes later, the bartender slides her a much nicer (and more expensive) beer her way with a murmured, "From the gentleman," and a discreet nod in Eric's direction.


chimaerasaurus January 27 2009, 06:55:33 UTC
That gets a raised eyebrow. It's not like guys buying her drinks is unheard of, but the timing is bizarrely apropos. She doesn't give him a direct look, but she does accept the beer. She's not in the mood to go hunting for companionship--he made the first move. He can come to her.


wineandvenom February 7 2009, 09:45:37 UTC
Eric, for his part, gives Abby a few minutes to enjoy her beer before he makes his way over.

"I hope I'm not intruding," he says, voice soft, "but it seemed like you'd had a disappointing night. A few good drinks do seem to help sometimes, though."

There's a subtle emotional current under his words: I just want to help. Trust me. You're all alone in the world -- wouldn't it be better if you had a bit of company?


allmydiredreams January 26 2009, 08:33:03 UTC
Babel has decided to tempt fate and brave the coffeeshop, because even threats of explosion, or horrible Rakshasa that shoot her in the stomach, cannot compete with the promise of a peppermint mocha, especially when these things are seasonal.

She doesn't notice Schro because of his bodybeats, mostly because she's been keeping her walls way up lately, so he was just part of the background noise. But he looks interesting, and that is more than enough reason for her to wander over, clutching her own peppermint mocha, and peer over his shoulder.

"Language of the angels," she says, giving a quick little nod as if to convey her approval. "You don't feel angelic." Well, he doesn't!


paradoxkitten January 26 2009, 18:56:24 UTC
"And most of the angels here would argue about it being their language." Schro grins up at her. "Still magically effective, though. And Latin, while classic, doesn't always have the requisite power." No, he's not Doing Anything with what he's scribbled on the napkin, but he is working something out.

"I'm Schrödinger, by the way. And you're clever."


allmydiredreams January 27 2009, 04:40:47 UTC
"Is it?" she asks. "I would suppose it could be." Yeah, she's talking about the language, but conversational clues are for the weak.

She flops down in the chair across from him, slurping her mocha for a moment and leaning over the table to peer at his napkin. The writing doesn't so much tell her anything, really -- she can recognize the language but doesn't know what he's doing with it, specifically -- but she wiggles anyway. "I'm Babel," she continues with a little sharp-toothed grin that would look predatory on anyone else. "And you're magic, then."


paradoxkitten February 7 2009, 09:51:13 UTC
"Sort of magic," he says, noting the grin and just how not!predatory it is on her. Cute. Very cute. "I'm Chicago's resident necromancer." At least, if there are other necros around, he's yet to meet any of them.

Babel may be able, if she's paying attention, to notice something a bit... off... about his bodybeat. It's not that he's undead, but there's something about him that isn't quite alive, either. It has the unfortunate side effect of making animals nervous, at any rate. No word on how it affects tiny girls who feel bodybeats.


sinsofskin January 26 2009, 15:47:32 UTC
Oh, there's no despair or heartbreak or jealousy emanating from Leona's corner of the bar, but there is a good thrum of emotion: a demonic hunger for violence, which she's mellowing but not chasing off with a good martini. Leona is in the mood to end someone, and this week, her whores have been relatively unmolested. It's enough to make a gal seek prey elsewhere.

She's surveying the bar in a way most would mistake for a girl looking for someone to take home, which isn't exactly inaccurate but isn't quite right either. She's sure she can have the bar or anyone in it in the palm of her hand. She's just waiting for an attractive mark to present itself.


wineandvenom January 26 2009, 20:02:12 UTC
And that might as well be a bright, shiny lure for a Glaysa like Eric. She's a demon, that much is obvious. She's also gorgeous, capable, and bloodthirsty. If he had to venture a guess, he'd say Rakshasa. Possibly Charun, but there's not quite the level of obsessive focus of a Charun with a mark.

If she was a little less sure of herself, or had a little less reason to be, he'd offer to help bring someone in. A little nudge here and there, and her prey would be more than happy to go home with her. However, he really doesn't think that'll be a problem, and the offer would be presumptuous of him in this circumstance.

So, he just announces himself in the subtlest of ways: a moment of eye contact -- just a moment, not enough to be a challenge. He smiles faintly and raises his glass, silently wishing her good hunting.


sinsofskin January 26 2009, 21:50:33 UTC
Leona catches that eye, and that raised glass, and feels the slight tingle of Demon that goes along with it. Isn't that curious.

A glance over him doesn't give her much of an idea who or what he is, but she has guesses. He's not quite built like a rakshasa, he's too, too quiet for most behemoths. Possibly a charun, but he doesn't ring quite right. No, probably one of the Callings less likely to breed fighters. Not exactly her type, but a night's a night.

She raises her own glass back to him, letting her eyes flick to an empty seat at her table. She might have a rakshasa's learned disdain for the less violent castes, but one thing the Organization has taught her is that there's quite a lot more to most people than there seems.


wineandvenom February 7 2009, 09:41:34 UTC
Eric takes in the invitation with a faint sense of surprise. He wasn't intending for things to go much further, but if she's amicable... Well, who is he to turn down a lovely and dangerous lady?

He makes his way over with that same faint smile, which warms slightly as he approaches.

"I hope it wasn't presumptuous of me to wish a lady like yourself good hunting for the evening," he says, with just the slightest lift of an eyebrow.


der_weevilkonig January 26 2009, 22:11:42 UTC
There are times when Owen doesn't mind the being the Office-building Whisperer, and days when he does. The past couple of days slot themselves neatly into both categories.

At the moment, though, as he's letting himself into Shepherd Book's room, it's the former. Nice, quiet room, doesn't look or smell like anyone's died in it, removed from actual Torchwood people and the monster that ruined his morgue and their hallway and Jack fucking Harkness dropping in from nowhere like they weren't doing just fine on their own ( ... )


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