on the catwalk, on the catwalk...

Oct 27, 2008 23:33

Now Open
MODE CoutureThere. And about time, too. It's not easy putting together inventory AND fixing up a storefront all by yourself. However, this is Edna. NOTHING is impossible, just too often on the top shelf. Either way, she's now open for business ( Read more... )

samus aran, huck freak, edna mode, doc brown

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Comments 40

clockwork_doc October 31 2008, 02:01:20 UTC
Clothes shopping isn't exactly Doc's favorite activity. Still, he figures he could use a few more shirts and pants, and he'd like to select something he knows he'd like rather than just hoping he'll get lucky with the Conrad clothing closet. Mode Coture wouldn't be his first stop on the list, but hey, he's interested enough in the new store to stop in and see what they have. Probably way out of his price range, considering he only gets twenty bucks a week, but still. . . .

And hey, if the owner turns out to be Wanderer-friendly, maybe he can get something with slits pre-cut in the elbows and knees.


emodebauhaus October 31 2008, 03:54:58 UTC
"Good afternoon, Darling."

An extremely petite woman in a simple black dress wanders up from between the clothing racks and inclines her head politely. She's seen the Doc somewhere before, but she's having trouble placing the name- if she ever got it and she's not sure she did.

"Please, feel free to look around. Let me know if you have any questions."

Ah, America. Ah, twenty-first century. E remembers a time when customers did not even HANDLE clothing unless they were trying it on; a sales clerk did it all for you. However, times have changed, and people seem to want to do it all themselves now. There aren't many things she misses about her youth, but personalize shopping was definitely one of them.


clockwork_doc October 31 2008, 21:13:01 UTC
Doc does a slight double take at the woman -- Great Scott, she's short -- but then smiles at her and nods. "Thank you. Looks like a nice place." He's still not sure if he has enough funds for a place like this, but looking never hurt. He wanders over to a nearby rack of men's shirts and starts sorting through them, looking for something colorful.

And then there's a hiss of steam from his elbows, seeping through the fabric of his coat. Doc grimaces. He really hates those vents. He glances over at the woman, wondering if she noticed.


emodebauhaus October 31 2008, 21:29:45 UTC
Doc's elbows are just about level with E's head, so it was hard for her not to notice. She quirks one slender eyebrow. She'd been wondering. While undeniably human, his gait and movements didn't seem quite right for someone 100% organic.

"If you're looking for something special I do custom work as well."

She's done this more times than she can remember, and therefore does her best to exude a calm, understanding "it's okay, I'm on your side" vibe; her smile hinting at the layered meaning in her seemingly mundane offer. Ah if only she still had her old portfolio and gallery. Never mind. Maybe Doc will be her first new project!


callinallfreaks November 2 2008, 18:06:56 UTC
Huck isn't shopping for clothes, really. For one thing, she doesn't have any money, and for two, most of this stuff is too high-end for her tastes anyway -- this is the girl who runs around in old boys' jeans, a-shirts, and overlarge jackets that might be fraying at the edges and elbows from all the wear and tear she's put them through (plus, they have to be big enough to cover her after a change).

She's just scoping out a new shop in what she considers her territory, really, seeing what's going on with it and doing her best not to look too shifty, though there are people who will see a scruffy teenager in hand-me-downs and immediately consider her shifty. She knows this. But she's also curious.


emodebauhaus November 3 2008, 02:23:27 UTC
E's Radar was legendary in her home dimension and it doesn't seem to have lessened any, even with a shift in universes. Therefore, her Super Senses begin to tingle when Huck slouches up to the shop window. Every girl loves to window shop, even if it is only to criticize the absurdity of a clothing style or the brand-name's obscenely high prices.

Poor little thing, she reminds E of a stray puppy. Diverting her attention from some of the other customers milling about and generally poking at the merchandise, E sneaks a quick glance at Huck and smiles pleasantly. Huck might not be able to afford anything (and really, E's prices are only slightly above average), but looking around is free.


callinallfreaks November 3 2008, 02:38:25 UTC
Huck's snooping through a clothing rack when she catches sight of the incredibly small woman meandering through the store. She's bustling about as if she owns the place, and Huck assumes this is the owner of the shop just on that air alone. Huh. Weird.

When the woman catches her eye, she stiffens a bit, but the smile sets her at ease again. A bit self-consciously -- any out-of-place fifteen year old is going to be a little shy -- she gives the woman a quick, wary smile in return. No harm here, just looking, not doing nothing wrong, nope.


emodebauhaus November 3 2008, 22:47:18 UTC
E just gives her "if you need anything, let me know" type of nod and lets Huck go back to her browsing. She'll keep a loose eye on her. Just to make sure. Can't have any shoplifting on the first day, after all.


screwattack November 3 2008, 03:25:44 UTC
Samus is wandering the streets of Chicago when she notices the little shop. It doesn't seem as busy as the others, and although Samus has no money on her, she's quickly getting uncomfortably cold. Maybe she can work something out with the owner to get something warmer. She's not sure what sort of skills she might possesses that would be helpful to a clothing store, but it's not as if she has anything to lose.

She pushes the door open, thankful of the warm air inside, at least. Even if she can't make any sort of arrangement, she can at least stay in here and warm up for a moment. That, at the very least, should be all right.


emodebauhaus November 3 2008, 03:29:21 UTC
"Good afternoon," E offers, wandering over after giving Samus a few minutes to explore on her own. Customers usually don't appreciate being pounced on immediately. She has to look UP at Samus, even from across the store. Goodness, she's tall.

"Please feel free to look around. If you have any questions, do let me know."


screwattack November 3 2008, 03:34:48 UTC
Samus smiles at the proprietor briefly. She hasn't been around humans enough to gather that E is unusually small, or that she herself is unusually tall, although she's starting to get that, between her difficulty in finding clothes that fit her from the secondhand pile at her new apartment building and just from her observations while walking the streets.

The sizes of the clothes on the racks seem to confirm this, too. She's not sure her specific size, but everything looks just a bit too small. She looks up at E again, at the rack, then back at E, walking over to her.

"I do have a question, actually," she says, looking down at the other woman. "I'm sort of...new here. I don't have any money, and I need warmer clothing. Is there some way we could arrange something to work off the cost of clothes?" She almost suggests just staying around to help her get things off of shelves, but that'd be rude, even for her.


emodebauhaus November 3 2008, 22:54:01 UTC
E nods thoughtfully.

"I myself am a newcomer. I understand, believe me. I think something could be arranged."

She beckons and heads to a different area of the store, where a sign marked "Long and Lean" is mounted on the wall. The things on these racks and shelves seem to have been made with Samus in mind.

"What did you have in mind, Darling?"


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