We conquer paradise just to burn it to the ground...

Aug 23, 2008 22:47

When archangels go to war, it doesn't tend to be in Romana's typical sleek sedans with tinted windows. More often, it's in vans - large, windowless, capable of holding a good-sized group of archangels and their weaponry. An obscene number of these vans are now pulling up around the Main Gauche, doors swinging open and angels with a variety of large ( Read more... )

ashley remington, romana angelos, anya naputi, maya roy, harry dresden, missy ashford, amber erin mckeenan, tay barnam, logan scott, jeremy taylor, eric delaflote, malek asenath, plot: game-wide, plot: archangel apocalypse, buffy summers, sam tyler, karunamayee, npc, sky williams

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GROUNDS of_rageandruin August 24 2008, 03:05:22 UTC
I fear rivers overflowing, I hear the voice of rage and ruin...


apocalypticos August 24 2008, 06:04:53 UTC
And in the split second between his lunging and his reaching the door, that little demon girl suddenly shifts, and in her place is a large gryphon-like creature.

Sierra really loves brutalizing angels. She bounds forward and pins James under one clawed foreleg, and throws back her head to let out a rather horrific screech.

Then she lowers her beak, snaps, and James' body no longer has a head.


ohsogrounded August 24 2008, 06:28:57 UTC
Amber is freaking right out.

She was trying to get down to the basement, but somehow she got turned around and there were angels everywhere. And now... Now she's out in the battlefield that used to be a garden, trying to find someplace safe.

Unfortunately for her, she's heading towards a group of angels.


apocalypticos August 24 2008, 06:36:32 UTC
One angel catches sight of her - not a demon, just a kid, and... well, he's not going to kill any non-demons unless they press their luck, so he'll just grab hold of this kid and keep her safe until the fighting's over.

Which, y'know, is nice in theory. But he's walking rather purposefully towards her, and she's probably not going to take that as non-threatening.


ohsogrounded August 24 2008, 06:49:09 UTC
Oh no. Oh no.

These angels... They're not the good guys. Good guys just don't invade an apartment complex. Elashte worked on a cure for the plague. Elashte got her a place to stay. The demons, the supposedly bad guys, are the ones that have been helping people.

And now there's an angel coming at her and... Something in her head clicks over, because she's so scared she doesn't know how to be more scared of this guy. And when she's all out of fear, all that's left is anger. So. Much. Anger.

She doesn't have a weapon, doesn't have anything she can use, except... The ground beneath her feet.

She can feel it, feel each subtle shift in the dirt underfoot, feel the places where it's pitted with bullets and blasted away.

She looks at the angel again.

"No. Not here. You're not going to fucking kill anyone here." And she reaches down with that sense she didn't even know she had until a few months ago. Until the earthquake. She feels the ground beneath him, and she tells it, with just a little mental twist, to give way beneath him, to ( ... )


apocalypticos August 24 2008, 06:53:41 UTC
"Woah! Hey, I wasn't-- I was just gonna get you someplace safe, kid, Jesus, let me out!"

Kaegan is obviously not pleased by this turn of fate, and keeps shouting, catching the attention of the group he'd been with.

And then, just as suddenly as the earth opened up to swallow him, he stops yelling as his head goes rolling across the scorched grass. Tamara always was fond of her machete. She grins briefly at Amber. "Nice one, kid," she calls, and goes on to attack the rest of the little group Kaegan had been part of.

She goes down, but she takes more than half of them with her.


ohsogrounded August 24 2008, 07:14:34 UTC
Amber stares. She didn't want that, she didn't want him to die. She just wanted it to stop. She wanted all of it to stop. She staggers off to the side, sinking to the ground where she's out of the way, and she throws up.

A lot.

By the time she looks up again, Tamara's down, and there are more angels nearby. If she traps them, they could die. If she doesn't, they'll kill more people.

...The angels are not the good guys.

"I'm sorry," she whispers, and digs her hands into the soil beneath her. It's harder this time. Maybe it's the fact that she's got to sink more of them and she's already dizzy and sick, maybe it's just that she doesn't have the righteous anger fueling her anymore. No one's good here, but the angels struck first.

The group doesn't sink as deep, but they do go down, and Amber crawls into the nearest bushes she can find. She doesn't think she wants to walk. Just hide, be safe, make everyone stop killing each other...


eatthepastries August 24 2008, 17:47:19 UTC
Kiki is scared- terrified, even. She wasn't meant to do this, why pick her, why pick her? All she can hear was her mother's voice, telling her to use her words, telling her not to hit, telling her that hurting things was wrong. Hurting things is wrong.

She's trying her hardest not to cry, because soldiers don't cry. But Kiki isn't a soldier. She's just a girl, a little girl who can't really form a fist correctly. And they've dressed her up in armor and handed her a gun and now they expect her to shoot, they expect her to kill.

Killing is bad.

She looks around at the other angels- they seem to know what they're doing, they seem to understand how this works. How does it work? This isn't her, she isn't a soldier. Something went wrong and she can't do this. She can't kill ( ... )


sauntereddown August 24 2008, 18:34:02 UTC
Logan's a bit of an odd killer sometimes. For all that she's happy to kill people in rather large and nasty explosions, "rain of bullets" is not really her thing. She's taking care with her shots, firing with precision. One by one across the battlefield, angels are dropping with single shots to their head.

Logan takes note of one little angel, red hair, looking all scared and determined as Logan sights on her through the scope. She takes aim, precise as ever, and fires.


eatthepastries August 24 2008, 20:04:18 UTC
She's going to kill, she's going to shine, she's a star she's a star she's a star, oh if only Stevie could see her now, he'd be so proud, they would all be so proud and THIS IS HER MOMENT SHE'S GOING TO-

It doesn't sound any different than the other shots that have gone out over the grounds. In fact, it could have been someone elses, but it's not. Not today. The day she was supposed to shine. The day she was supposed to show them all just how good she was.

She never got the chance.

She falls to the ground.

Kiki Monroe is dead.

She's dead and she never got to be a star.

What would Stevie say now?


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