Title: Life Lessons
Pairing: JaeMin (tiniest hint of OT5)
Rating: R
Length: Oneshot
Summary: Changmin’s curious about a certain something, so he asks Jaejoong to explain it to him. However, Jaejoong’s explanation wasn’t particularly detailed, so Changmin asks for the older to show him, instead. Bashfully, Jaejoong does.
A/N: For
theclockiswrong Life Lessons
Comments 57
Yeah, Min really isn't as innocent as he likes to pretend~ XP And Jae is too trusting for his own good...
I couldn't resist OT5 ^_^" But because of what Min said, any ideas I would have had for a sequel are now gone, lol XP
Ah, you may want to re-download it, because I corrected a few mistakes and changed the last line ^_^" Sorry for the inconvenience OTL
I really am so happy that you like it!! ^_^ ♥ Thank you muchly for commenting!! :D
Jaejoong's so *O* idek ~~ just aslkdjfasdf /flails everywhere
Spreading his legs open and HNNGLAKSJDFLASDF knowing Min is watching but not caring because it turns him on *O* /dead
I'll bet Changmin already knows how to masturbate but was just trying to trick his hyung XDDD god knows Jaejoong can't resist the maknae LOLOL
I love the ending too!!! Omg OT5 hahahahaah you just had to include your ultimate OTP right ;D I can just imagine Junsu experimenting HAHAHAHAHAHHA XD
Love this very very much!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥
Jaejoong is too trusting XD But yes, also a bit of an exhibitionist~ :3 I'm glad you liked that part ;D
He does know, yes *nods* He's just manipulative like that >:D Well really, who could resist Min? :P
I did, yes XD OT5 is too hard to resist! And since Jae likes being watched so much, it made sense to include it >:D Omg yes experimenting Junsu *w* (Reminds me of your fic ;D Mmmmm~)
Ah, I'm so glad you like it!! ^____^ %hearts; Thank you so much for commenting :DDD
*______* /nosebleed
And wow, you read fast O.o /is impressed
Thank you muchly for commenting!! :D
I'm really glad you liked it! ^_^ *glomps*
Thank you so much for commenting :D ♥
So good!
I can picture how the next would go.
Would you do a next part?
Thanks for the great read.
I'm glad you liked it :D
I thought that I could very easily do a next part, but I wanted try to keep it as a oneshot. What I wrote at the end (the OT5 hint) wouldn't really allow me to do the next part as I would have wanted to, so it'll probably remain as a oneshot, sorry~
Thank you for commenting! ^_^
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