Great picture. Although the TV was on when this probably happened, I missed it because I was reading fanfic! I can't even keep my living room remotely tidy because I'm reading fanfic! You people have no pity, and now you're going to write even more. I will have to quit my job.
LOL! If it makes you feel better, I'm prettu sure that I spend like, 85% of my waking hours reading, writing or contemplating fanfic. It is the monster that ate my soul and I don't even want it back.
About 2 years ago, I saw something in the news about fanfic, and I said "huh?" Googled it, and read that was the largest site, so I started reading things there. Some of the authors, especially rockstarpeach said they posted stuff on LJ, so I started reading there. The rest, as they say, is history. Or, more accurately, the rest is the ruination of my life, and the sucker-up of my time. And I can't even tell family and friends why I don't want to spend more time with them. ;D
I caught the bug in passing from another friend - I asked her why she wasn't buying as many books and wasn't around as much, she blamed Harry Potter, and I was like - " ? "
When I finally got an internet compatible computer, I went looking (helloooo, Sam/Dean Slash Archive and thank you Google Search) and was sucked in immediately. My friend and I don't share fandoms, but we joke about 'fanfic coma' where fandom expands to fill all your spare time - and the time you used to spend on not-as-good-as-fanfic new books, and not as-fun-as-fanfic TV shows - and then encroaches on actual RL relationships, etc.
Laundry or fanfic? Organizing bills or fanfic? Sleep or fanfic? Not even a question.
Basically, fandom > life. I wish I could be sad about it, but I'm just not. XDD
:D I'm having too much fun with the dragons. One of them may be based on my cat (everything in my life is cat- or fanfic-oriented). It kind of makes me grin.
Hey! Weclome backpern, hope your vacation was good! pern Hope you get inspiredpernsoon, I miss your pern stories. Great picture pern by the way, I love guys smiling and touching pern each other. So inspiring--pern--yes? ;)
Comments 18
I caught the bug in passing from another friend - I asked her why she wasn't buying as many books and wasn't around as much, she blamed Harry Potter, and I was like - " ? "
When I finally got an internet compatible computer, I went looking (helloooo, Sam/Dean Slash Archive and thank you Google Search) and was sucked in immediately. My friend and I don't share fandoms, but we joke about 'fanfic coma' where fandom expands to fill all your spare time - and the time you used to spend on not-as-good-as-fanfic new books, and not as-fun-as-fanfic TV shows - and then encroaches on actual RL relationships, etc.
Laundry or fanfic? Organizing bills or fanfic? Sleep or fanfic? Not even a question.
Basically, fandom > life. I wish I could be sad about it, but I'm just not. XDD
(um, welcome back? ♥)
Thank you! Nice to be back!
Hope you had a nice vacation.
Thanks, hon! I had a great time!
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