Fic: Desperate Measures (Jensen/Jared)

Oct 15, 2010 12:26

Fandom: Supernatural J2
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU - frat boys, drunk!Jared, dirty talk, talk of prior spanking - and that's all I'm saying, don't want to ruin the surprise.
Notes: All I know about the Greek system is that (like all other social activies everywhere) it should definitely include J2 sex. Jared, Jensen, feel free to get cracking on that anytime. Oh, also, the cuddling line toward the end is 100% stolen from blue_soaring over on IJ because I loved it more than words - hope there's no offense taken!
Summary - Jensen's never been able to get Jared's fraternity hazing out of his head; turns out neither can Jared.

Now with fantastic podfic by afattribble

Jensen's body fell heavily into the dark, wood-paneled walls, wincing as his shoulder jammed back in the joint for a second under the unbelievable press of Jared's weight.

"Alright, that's it. Starting Monday, your ginormous ass is on a diet," Jensen griped, readjusting the way Jared basically hung off of his left side. He attempted to urge the taller man further up the stairs, but instead Jared tried to turn around and stare at his own ass, almost toppling them both back down the stairwell toward the flood of pounding music.

"Hey!" he slurred drunkenly, "M' ass‘s not ginormous! Anybody's ass is ginormous 's yours, bubble butt."

One of those huge paws Jared called hands swatted down - with way too much accuracy for a guy who could barely make it up the last few steps to his room - with a loud smack against Jensen's denim-clad ass. With a valiant show of restraint Jensen did not a) leave his shit-faced buddy aimlessly flailing in the middle of the hallway or b) return the favor ofslamming Jared up against the wall, for a totally different purpose - he was pretty sure there were some house rules about not fucking your drunk frat brother in a public thoroughfare. Instead, he suppressed the sudden jerk his dick gave - apparently he'd managed to condition his body into responding to any combination of 'Jared' and 'spanking'. He really needed a new jerk off fantasy.

Of course Jared, with his usual brilliant timing, managed to latch onto exactly the same line of thought, which was pretty much the last thing Jensen needed.

"Hey! Remember when I pledged-" Jared's voice broke off when Jensen - totally accidentally - banged his big, shaggy head into the doorframe.

"Key," Jensen demanded, snapping his fingers at Jared just to watch the slow dawning of insult work across his face.

"Hey! I'm not… you know what? Get it 'cherself." Jared pulled his hands up behind his head in what would have been a relaxed pose if he hadn't smacked his elbow into the door on the way. Points to him for creative cursing, though.

Still, Jared made no move to retrieve his own room key, just leaned back against the doorframe - all long, sloppy lines - and canted his hips forward to give Jensen better access to his pants pockets. So much for suppressing his dick; already swollen to half-hard just looking at that loose, open sprawl. Sometimes he really hated being Jared's friend.

"Or I could just leave you here," he snapped, but there wasn't much point really when he was already shoving his hand into Jared's right front pocket. At least Jared wore loose jeans, so it wasn't completely impossible to maneuver, but Jensen still had to crook his wrist awkwardly and feel around for the sharp jut of the body-warm key. God, he could feel the heat from Jared's skin through that one thin layer of his pocket, the firmness of his thigh and - oh, fuck.

Jensen jerked his hand free with so much force his skin stung from rasping against the denim. Had that been? No, no way. His finger had not just skated over the hardening flesh of Jared's cock. Although, Jared had quickly pulled his own hips back, shoving his hands in his pockets like he had something to cover up… No! It was just Jensen's stupid, overactive imagination, conjuring up some wish fulfillment for his sick little crush on Jay.

Jensen shoved the key home, doing his best to ignore the tingling phantom sensation of rigid flesh under his touch. Jared practically tumbled inside, just barely managing to compensate when the door he'd been leaning against opened up. He grabbed at Jensen's belt buckle to steady himself, nearly toppling them both when Jensen tried to pull away from the dangerous, too-close brush of Jared's hand near his own, now steel-hard, dick. At least Jared seemed to be too drunk to notice the obvious bulge.

Stuttering feminine laughter detached itself from the uproar downstairs, drifting up just in front of Chad and… whatshername. It was more trouble than it was worth to keep up with Chad's rotation of girlfriends. The blond man winked at them as he walked by, waggling his eyebrows suggestively before he doubled back and pulled Jared's door shut with a thumbs up. Jensen should have opposed them joining the frat when he had the chance.

Jared broke down into peals of laughter over Chad, flopping back awkwardly on his bed, big feet still dragging on the floor. And since Jensen was an awesome friend and Jared totally didn't deserve him, he knelt down and started undoing the weird ass double-knots Jared kept his shoes tied with.

"Ssso, like I was sayin'," Jared grinned to the ceiling. The shoe Jensen was trying to untie - seriously, why was Jared always bending over to fix his damn shoelaces when he kept them in some kind of magic knot of never-ending torment? - jiggled in front of him as Jared barked, "Hey! Talkin' to you."

Jensen huffed an exasperated sigh and just decided to tug Jared's damn shoes right off of his feet. Jared seemed to take that as a signal Jensen was listening - God knows why - and continued.

"So anyway, you remember when I pledged, all that hazing shit y'all had us do?" Jesnen overbalanced when Jared's shoe finally came free in his hand, landing flat on his ass, the back of his head banging into Jared’s dresser.

"Those were 'trust-building exercises', remember? Hazing's illegal," he grumbled absently, checking the back of his head for swelling. He was seriously considering letting Jared just sleep in that one damn shoe.

Jared laughed, head thrown back against the mattress. "Yeah, man, you beating my ass with a paddle was totally 'trust-building'."

Jensen abandoned the stupid shoe completely, stomach suddenly churning, every alarm bell in his head telling him to get the fuck out of there now. Instead, his masochistic fucker of a mouth said,  “Everybody did it."

Not that Jensen had a very clear memory of any of the other spanking's he'd been party to that night. In the year since, his brain had kind of managed to grey out all of the others to vague impressions; only Jared, bent at the waist over that tiny poker table - Jensen had had to quit the weekly poker game because he got hard whenever he saw it - bare ass exposed and red from the paddle, still stood out in crisp detail.

That kind of thing had never really been Jensen's shtick; in fact, he'd been opposed to the idea when one of the older brothers had suggested it… but then there had been Jared. Like a goddamn perfect storm of 'shit designed to fuck with Jensen's head' it had been his turn with the paddle when Jared stepped up and dropped trou. His long fingers had clenched white-knuckled on the table edges, pants stuck around his thighs, face already flushed red; almost as red as the very very hard dick hanging heavy between the spread of his legs. Spanking might not have done it for Jensen, but apparently it was more than ok by Jared and the thought alone that the guy - the crazy-hot, Jensen’s-personal-wet-dream guy - wanted this, coupled with that beautiful, perfect, pale ass laid out for Jensen like a fucking Christmas present… he'd developed a whole new kink in ten seconds flat.

Jensen remembered every last second of those few minutes; the sound of the wooden paddle hitting Jared's flesh, the breathy little gasps he let out with every stroke, the desperate hunger to reach out and feel the heat coming off of cherry red skin, how, toward the end, Jared's hips had actually started to arch into it, practically begging for more, and Jensen had had to force himself to stop because he knew, just KNEW that Jay was going to come from it and he might have gotten away with getting hard from the spanking - he wasn't the only pledge who had - but he'd never live down coming untouched from it. It was one of Jensen’s biggest regrets that he hadn't gotten to see Jared lose it like that, and also one of things he was most grateful for because somehow he couldn't help but think that something about that moment had led to them becoming friends.

Or possibly he should take up reading romance novels and get a cat because, God, even in his head that just sounded pathetic.

"Yeah," Jared muttered and Jensen had gotten so wrapped up in his thoughts that he wasn't really sure what Jared was responding to anymore. Maybe nothing at all. "It's never going to happen again, is it?" he said wistfully, head rolling idly from side to side on the mattress.

Only in my head, Jensen thought, but what he said was, "Think we all decided that was a little too hardcore. Gonna stick to calling the pledges girl names and stuff nest time."

Jared 'mmm'ed, broad hand moving absently across his leg into the dip of shadow at his inner thigh to cup- ... His cock. Jared was touching his cock. His big, hard, now bulging-visibly-through-his-jeans cock. If Jensen whimpered a little in the back of his throat, Jared didn't seem to notice.

He should say something, or better yet, just walk out because Jared was obviously drunk and not thinking clearly and probably didn't even realize that he was starting to slowly stroke himself - fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck - through his pants, so Jensen should definitely just get the hell out of there. What he should not do is stand there and watch raptly as Jared's fingers found the head and twisted, nails scritch-scratching over the ridged cloth until Jared threw his head back on a moan.

Yeah, Jensen was so not leaving.

"You liked it, didn't you? Getting spanked," tumbled over his lips, right into the dark air between them. Jared let out a tight sigh like he'd been holding his breath and nodded, fingers skating lightly back up and down the shaft. Jensen's capacity to process why this was a bad idea just flew right out the window with that nod, until there was nothing left but the tar black need rippling through his veins.

"Tell me why." His voice sounded rough in his own ears like his throat had been scrubbed down with steel wool, but it made Jared shiver and lick his lips, hand never stilling in the path along his cock.

"Liked..." Jared broke off on a gasp, twisted the head between his fingers again and Jensen would almost have sworn he could see a dark patch of moisture forming on the spot.

"Tell me what you liked or I'll make you stop." The threat came out of nowhere, so far out of left field it's not even in the stadium anymore, but it seemed like Jared kind of liked orders - Jensen had always suspected - because he didn't just shiver this time, he all out shuddered, trembly little moan tacked on to the end of it.

"Liked- liked everybody looking at me like that," he breathed, like he'd suddenly gone shy. A rush of heat bloomed in Jensen's chest, spread all the way down to pool low in his belly.

"Yeah? You like being watched? So turned on by everybody looking at you. One hell of a sight, Jay." Jensen's stalked to the other side of the room and back, couldn't keep still. His own dick was strangling to death in his jeans and Jared kept making these little encouraging sounds - 'yeah, fuck yeah, Jen, please' - that go right to the base of his cock, just make it harder.

"You like me watching you now?" Jared's hips bucked, eyes clamped shut tight. "Like making me hard, Jay? So hard for you. So hot." Fuck, he needed to stop now, needed to have stopped five minutes ago, but now he was just giving all of his secrets away with both hands and couldn't even bring himself to care.

Jared's eyes fluttered open, head lolling until he found where Jensen was pressing his back into the wall with all of the force he could muster just to keep from climbing on top of his friend. Jay's hand pulled away from his dick, reached out like a plea in Jensen's direction along with this needy sound that made Jensen’s skin shrink a couple of sizes.

He was at Jared's side in a flash, that wide hand pressed fever-hot over his cock and he almost buckled at how good it feels just to have Jay touch him. Then Jared leaned up - it took him a little too long with the way he swayed - and pressed that warm mouth over the bulge of Jensen's dick, an extra dose of heat that almost had to be him fucking licking the fabric and Jensen hadn't come untouched since he was fucking sixteen and he was not about to start now.

He pushed Jared flat to the bed, kneeling on the mattress next to him when Jared whined at the loss. "Shh," he spread his legs a little to rub the slightly damp denim against Jared's cheek, one hand winding up in Jay’s hair when the younger man tried to turn his face into Jensen’s crotch, get his mouth open around the line of Jensen’s dick again, "Know that's not all you liked when I spanked you. Tell me the rest and I'll let you lick it."

Jensen's fucking lungs were going to explode, the air bursting into flames the second he took it in. Jared's hand was back between his own legs, humping up into his flattened palm urgently. It only took a second to reach down and pop Jared's fly, pull it open enough for Jared to get the picture and pull his dick out; long and thick, dark with blood and shiny at the tip. Jensen couldn't help but lick his lips, press forward a little against Jared's cheek again.

"I liked the way it felt," Jared panted, hand stripping his cock fast and desperate, "hurt, burned, but then it felt so fucking good. Wanted more but you stopped, almost begged for it."

"Mmm, I know, Jay," Jensen groaned, pulling out his own cock - almost screaming with relief when it popped free - one hand still twisted up in Jared's baby fine hair, "Had to stop, thought you were gonna come."

"Was. Was gonna come. Did later, soon as I got to my room. Sat down and all those fucking bruises..." Jared's hips pumped up off of the bed, pushing harder into his tight fist; precome catching on the little bit of light, shimmering where Jared was leaking like a goddamn hose all over his own fingers. Jensen's mouth flooded wet. “Came all over myself.”

"You ever- You ever done it again?" It was one of those questions Jensen knew he didn't want the answer to unless it was the one he wanted, but he had to ask anyway, couldn’t stop himself from knowing. Jared shook his head emphatically, nuzzling into Jensen's thigh like he could hide there.

"Just you," was muffled against the fabric but Jensen heard it, ached with it, his whole body flaring hotter, tighter. The high keen coming from Jared's throat vibrated into Jensen's balls from where he had his mouth nestled close to the base.

"That's right, Jay, just me. All me," Jensen gasped, tossing his head back as he rocked forward into the torturously slow drag of his own fingers, "You wanna do it again? Pull my belt off right now and whip that sweet little ass of yours?"

Jared came with a wail, body spasming violently, spatters of thick fluid painting his shirt before he finally sprawled flat and boneless. Jensen slowly released Jared's hair, that semi-concious voice in the back of his head telling him he’d better pick up the pace and get his ass out of there before Jared sobered up enough to realize how far out of whack this had gotten. He tightened his grip and started stroking hard before he heard Jared start to whine and pull at his hands.

"You promised," he said, eyes big and soft and open and oh fuck, like Jensen even had a shot at resisting that. So he just nodded, slowing his strokes a little, shortening them so it was only the shaft while Jared's hot, soft tongue darted out and started kitten-licking away the mess of precome at the slit. He lapped all around the head hungrily, lighting Jensen's nerves into an incendiary frenzy until he just couldn't fucking take it anymore. He grunted out his orgasm, white heat pulsing out onto Jared's cheeks and chin, dripping down onto the bedspread.

Jensen’s brain pretty much curled up in the back of his head and died when Jared pressed his tongue into a sharp point, dipped into the slit and dragged out the last drop of milky come before flopping back to the mattress with a contented smile on his sticky face.

Finally he managed to scrape together enough of what used to be his grey matter to grab a couple of tissues from the box by Jared's bed - wonder what those were for - and hand them over for his friend to wipe his face. Jared did a languorous, half-ass job of it, spending a lot more of his time on little hums of pleasure and wriggling his hips back and forth.

Jensen tucked himself back in and tried to slip out of the room as subtly as possible. His feet had barely hit the ground before Jared had a hold of his wrist - what, the guy had aim now? - and pulled him back into bed.

"Cuddle me, bitch," he grinned, wrapping his arms around Jensen's middle without preamble and threw one long leg over Jensen's for good measure.

"What the- Jared, I-" Jensen, squirmed, the last thing he needed was for Jared to wake up in the morning hung over and smelling like come with Jensen right there like a confession. It would be bad enough all on its own.

"Shut up, sleep now," he murmured, nosing into the hollow of Jensen's collarbone through his t-shirt.

"Jay, I can't-"

Jared sighed in exasperation and finally pulled back enough to look Jensen in the eye. "Look, I was maybe, slightly less drunk than I might have let on, ok? You didn't do anything wrong."

Jensen's disabled mind sputtered over that for a minute, Jared patiently - and very soberly - waiting.

"You... duped me?"

"Well, I was going to go with 'seduced' but that works too," Jared didn't even have the decency to look ashamed.

"So that whole thing was just, what? An act?" his voice was maybe getting a little incredulously high; he was entitled, damnit.

"Got tired of waiting on you to step up to the plate," Jared shrugged, burrowing back into the warm spot he’d made for himself against Jensen's body.

"You son of a bitch," Jensen muttered, but there wasn't much heat behind it. Reluctantly he let Jared manhandle him into a more relaxed position - the fucker toed off his remaining shoe like it was fucking nothing - and settled in. Still...

Jared's whole body tensed when Jensen's palm smacked down on his ass, a very feminine gasp sounding from around Jensen's collar bone. It turned into a growl fast, Jared's teeth clamping down on the protrusion of bone.

"Don't start something you can't finish," the taller man warned, nothing but wet, sloppy sex in his voice.

"Oh, I'll finish it," Jensen said around a yawn, "Just, maybe in a couple of hours. Some lying prick wore me out."

Jared's laugh sunk deep into his skin as he hugged Jensen closer. "Wasn't my prick that was lying."

porn, j2, nc-17, au, mastrubation, jensen, jared, slash

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