"Now The Water's Rising But I Know The Course"

Dec 10, 2008 15:03

{01-02} Sarah Connor Chronicles
{03-03} Billie/David
{04-16} Billie Piper
{17-55} Secret Diary Of A Call Girl
{56-57} Doctor Who Banners
{58-58} Firefly Banner
{59-60} Stock Banners
{61-64} Stock Headers

Credit betweenthewoods or effulgent_girl
Blanks are not bases
No hotlinking
Comment if you snag


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couple: doctor/rose, graphics: banners, icons: secret diary of a call girl, icons: billie piper, graphics: icons, icons: david tennant, graphics: profile banners, icons: the sarah connor chronicles, icons: actors, icons: actresses, icons: firefly, icons: doctor who

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Comments 4

jenny_gwen May 1 2009, 18:37:25 UTC
Snagged a few :)


effulgent_girl May 1 2009, 22:24:07 UTC
Thanks for snagging:)


belledejourr November 12 2009, 23:52:33 UTC
stole 27 :)


effulgent_girl November 13 2009, 06:14:06 UTC
thanks for stealing:)


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