
Dec 16, 2012 19:51

Well, I've been meaning to do this since Jess mentioned I hadn't been around in ages, and I said I would, and then a month went by. WOOPS.

Life is good. I've moved to the Boston area to move in with
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life: by climbing slow

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Comments 3

syncopated_time December 17 2012, 17:48:55 UTC
Psst. Emily. EMILY. I got this for you:

... )


radiophile December 17 2012, 18:27:00 UTC
I'm glad you've got a clean slate to work with to face the new year. I have my fingers crossed for you in getting that manager position after your contract is finished! I remember you talking about Lush when we met up, and it's obvious that you have a real passion for the job. So I'm sending you good thoughts!! ♥

AUGH YULETIDE. I've got most of the minimum 1k written but there's no plot to the story yet, and I don't want my giftee to get just... random stream-of-conscious babble, which is what it reads like right now /o\ WRITING IS HARD :'(


mutantjules December 18 2012, 01:35:40 UTC
HEY GIRL. write like the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind


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