FIC : a thousand pages (give or take a few) ; XMFC ; charles/erik ; rated r

Feb 04, 2012 01:56

Back in July, I was surfing the X-Men First Class meme and hit on a prompt that I was surprised to find appealing to me. It was for a silly AU about Charles and Erik owning dueling used bookstores and ending up falling for each other despite the obvious obstacles. I thought to myself, hah, this will be a good momentary diversion. Almost 50,000 ( Read more... )

fandom: a very groovy mutation, rating: r, fic: marvel, fic: x-men, fic: au, pairing: charles/erik, fic: full length, verse: 1000 pages, fic: mine

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Comments 1

mutantjules February 7 2012, 19:07:57 UTC

(also I adore you. How have you been?)


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