FIC : as your days stretch out beneath the sun (Star Trek XI, AU, Kirk/Spock, R)

Oct 05, 2011 23:56

it's after midnight on october 6th, which means the space noir is finally live! :)

Title : as your days stretch out beneath the sun (we wait to see just what we will become)
Fandom : Star Trek XI
Characters/Pairing : Spock, Jim Kirk, Christopher Pike, Gaila; Kirk/Spock, past Kirk/Gaila
Rating : R
Warnings : none
Word Count : ~11,200

Summary : ( Read more... )

rating: r, pairing: kirk/spock, fic: au, fic: star trek, pairing: kirk/gaila, fic: full length, writing: universal constant, fandom: the final frontier, fic: mine

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Comments 2

coeurdesoleil October 9 2011, 09:52:51 UTC

This was absolutely wonderful - the plotting, the pacing, the characterization, the writing; it's all suberb. I really liked how very much this felt like reading a noir novel - the atmospheric setting, the grittiness of both the city and the characters, the flashbacks that slowly revealed bits and pieces of Spock's and Jim's past relationship, Spock's assertive, somewhat bleak narrative voice... I especially loved how evocative and moody your descriptions were: they felt almost cinematographic, and I could vividly picture the characters, their outfits, their voices, their actions while reading.

I am dying to know what really happened to Jim and Gaila, and also what happened between Jim and Spock to make them part ways!


betweenthebliss November 14 2011, 04:36:03 UTC

that said-- oh my god, thank you for this comment. :D i slaved over this and reread 'the long goodbye' about four times and then had to try like hell not to subconsciously steal too much of chandler's style for my own... it was hard as hell, and i'm so glad you found this interesting and emotional and vivid. SO GLAD. :D

i am going to write the second part of this, i promise. i just have a lot of other stuff on my plate at the moment so it probably won't happen until after yuletide is over, for which i apologize in advance for making you wait! but i am so thrilled you liked this so much, and thank you again a million times for commenting. <3 <3 <3


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