my life ain't what it seems

Apr 21, 2011 22:09

stayed up last night until 3am because i could not stop reading "will grayson, will grayson" by john green and david levithan until i was done. it was SO GOOD! it was funny and sweet and poignant and really resonated with me on so many levels. i loved how i could tell some of the parts john green had written because it sounded like the way he talks ( Read more... )

life: work, books: 2011, life: anxiety, fandom: winter is coming, fandom: brokeback eagle, books: young adult

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Comments 1

douxquemiel April 22 2011, 15:03:15 UTC
1. JOB. Dude, I am so crazy excited for you. I know not knowing sucks (see: waiting to be accepted to grad school, oy vey), but you'll be okay. I've found that these in-between stages gives my brain SO MUCH to focus on and think about and explore, and it helps me stretch and grow and realize what I want. So patience is good. ♥

2. GAME OF THRONES OMG. Wes and I watched it yesterday and omg omg omg omggggg. Wes is really liking it, and we need to read more (I'm reading it *to* him, because we're horribly cute like that). He hadn't read up to the very last part (ahem, with Bran), so that was kind of a surprise. XD He's really enjoying them, and I'm so excited for him. :D I love these books so effing much, jeebus.

3. I love your icon. Wes actually keeps making a doodle with a compass-- his name creates the points of the compass (WES N). Whenever I see your icon, it reminds me of that. :D


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