tom & lorenzo, how i love those catty bitches. they posted a bunch of chris hemsworth pics and called it "chris hemsworth-- just because." and i say hell to the yeah.
i'm excited too! i mean, a little nervous, but really pumped the way i haven't been about a story in a while. and i'm glad you think the noir thing sounds good, i'm kind of obsessed with noir and so i just hope i do it justice. XD
and heellll yes the eagle is eating me too. i am tracking like ten threads on the meme and every time one is updated it's like christmas. XD
I love noir too! And you are a very talented writer so I'm sure you'll do it great justice!
I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL. Sometimes I check the threads for my favorite fills even if I haven't gotten any notifications just in case one of them was updated and LJ screwed up :)
Unf your icon is gorgeous! That's Griffin!Jamie right? It's one of my favorite looks on him.
i totally do the same thing, lol. lj does cock it up often enough that that is a smart plan. XD and yes that is griffin!jamie. also one of my favorite looks on him, and totally agreed with general fandom concensus that he was the only worthwhile part of jumper. i remember watching it when i was unemployed and it was on HBO on demand, and talking at the screen like, "what the fuck, how does hayden christiensen still get work? and boy howdy, billy elliot grew up fuck-hot, and why is he not the star of the movie?" lmfao. also i made the icon so you can steal it if you want. XD
BOOOOOOOOOO. gdi i was really hoping it would be soon. wtf am i going to do without a weekly dose of the runway? i'll have to pick up top chef or something to tide me over.....
i love film noir but i love book noir even more! i actually haven't even seen too many noir films which is sad, but i have much more reading time than movie-watching time. :/ but! yes, noir star trek, coming soon to an LJ near you. :D
omggggggg well there are some fabulous, fabulous noir films out there, any starring humphrey bogart, whom I love, lol. If you want to watch just one to research, I would say Double Indemnity is one of the best and one of my favorites. /2 cents
ooh that one i actually have seen, and i do love it. i've seen a bunch of hitchcock too, but i definitely need more bogie in my life, he's the best. :3 someday i will get around to watching my giant list of movies i need to see before i die....
Comments 10
The Eagle fandom has eaten my life! So many amazing authors and fics.
and heellll yes the eagle is eating me too. i am tracking like ten threads on the meme and every time one is updated it's like christmas. XD
I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL. Sometimes I check the threads for my favorite fills even if I haven't gotten any notifications just in case one of them was updated and LJ screwed up :)
Unf your icon is gorgeous! That's Griffin!Jamie right? It's one of my favorite looks on him.
i totally do the same thing, lol. lj does cock it up often enough that that is a smart plan. XD and yes that is griffin!jamie. also one of my favorite looks on him, and totally agreed with general fandom concensus that he was the only worthwhile part of jumper. i remember watching it when i was unemployed and it was on HBO on demand, and talking at the screen like, "what the fuck, how does hayden christiensen still get work? and boy howdy, billy elliot grew up fuck-hot, and why is he not the star of the movie?" lmfao. also i made the icon so you can steal it if you want. XD
No matter what I can't wait! :D
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