FIC : Out of the Lines (Star Trek XI ; Spock/Uhura, Uhura/Gaila-ish, PG-13)

May 24, 2010 14:30

can i even tell you how much i love this icon, and that i have a fic appropriate to use it with? :D

Title : Out of the Lines
Fandom : Star Trek XI
Characters/Pairing : Uhura, Gaila, Spock, Chapel, OFC, brief cameos by Kirk and McCoy; mostly gen, some Spock/Uhura and Uhura/Gaila
Rating : PG-13
Warnings : none
Word Count : 9698
Summary : They teach ( Read more... )

writing: trekreversebang 10, fic: star trek, pairing: uhura/gaila, fic: full length, pairing: spock/uhura, rating: pg-13, fandom: the final frontier, fic: mine

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Comments 47

djkiwi2576 May 24 2010, 20:19:13 UTC
This was beautiful and love your take on their friendship - growth - development. Awesome work!!!!!!!


betweenthebliss May 24 2010, 20:22:44 UTC
thank you so much! this isn't really like anything i've written before, i had such a good time with it though, so i'm glad it worked for you. thanks for the comment! :D


circ_bamboo May 24 2010, 20:29:27 UTC
Yay! "Iowa"!

Lovely story. I really enjoy the whole development from roommates to friends-plus of what seems, on the surface, to be an unlikely pair. :)


betweenthebliss May 25 2010, 12:38:51 UTC
thank you, i'm really glad you liked it, and thanks for the comment! :D


mardia May 24 2010, 20:44:22 UTC
Oh this was fantastic. I love the buildup of the different relationships here, the tension (both sexual and not) and the way you've written Nyota's character feels very true to her. Great job!


betweenthebliss May 25 2010, 12:39:31 UTC
thank you so much, i feel like i can never tell if i'm writing her well, so it's really good to hear you say i am. :"} thanks for commenting, i'm glad you liked the fic!


feels_like_fire May 24 2010, 21:10:55 UTC
Ohhhhh oh oh, this story was so sweet. I love the slow build-up of Nyota's headspace, her personality, the way she changes as we go through the story. I loved the way you wrote Gaila, and the flashes of the other characters we see through Nyota's eyes. (Especially Jim. Sucker, who me?)

Also? Using a line from "Iowa" as your cut-tag was CHEATING. *sniff*


betweenthebliss May 25 2010, 12:43:08 UTC
ahh thank you so much, this is such lovely feedback. :"} and yeah, i was thinking about what to title this, and iowa is (to me, anyway) one of the quintessential gay girl love songs, so it just seemed to fit. i'm not going to lie, once i settled on it i started having all these ideas for fics i could write as companions to this using the song as inspiration, so... this may become a 'verse at some point, lol. XD anyway thank you so much for commenting and i'm so glad you liked it!


_profiterole_ May 24 2010, 21:57:34 UTC
This is gorgeous! A wonderful take on awesome women! :-)


betweenthebliss May 25 2010, 12:43:44 UTC
thanks so much for commenting to say so! :D


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