neither here nor there

Mar 15, 2010 08:57

i'm having a bit of a dilemma here, regarding the whole DW/LJ thing. i have many mixed feelings about it and i guess i just want to air them here because i want everyone to be clear about where i stand, even if it's that i stand somewhere in the middle ( Read more... )

livejournal, life: issues, life: in the tubes, crosspost, discussion in comments

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Comments 21

vega_ofthe_lyre March 15 2010, 13:22:32 UTC
Great post, hon. You've articulated very well some of the icky feelings I've been getting from these debates - I mean, I've only kept half an eye on the discussion, since most of my flist is staying put for now at least and those who aren't are crossposting, but it's been interesting to follow, to say the least. Myself, you know, I'm not always delighted with how LJ chooses to run things, I have an account at DW but I'm not planning on pulling up stakes for good any time soon, I see no reason to do so - and I've hated having to feel so defensive about it. So thank you.


betweenthebliss March 15 2010, 13:31:54 UTC
thanks honey :) i'm the same way, until seperis posted about it i had no idea there were people who were actually attaching that kind of judgment to the choice. and now that i am aware, i'm really hoping that no one i know is feeling that strongly about it, because the "lj = skeezy bar" analogy goes both ways; you shouldn't make your friends feel bad about where they choose to hang out either.

the part of the issue i understand tangibly is money, paying for paid time and icons; and again, while i don't plan to stop paying for this journal, i will probably start paying for my dreamwidth account as well, just to even it out. XD


vega_ofthe_lyre March 15 2010, 13:34:53 UTC
Heh, and the money issue is a moot point for me, anyway - I can't afford to pay for an account on LJ as it is!


azurelunatic March 15 2010, 13:54:06 UTC
Yay dual sitezenship!


betweenthebliss March 17 2010, 14:59:44 UTC
that's basically my feeling. :D


syncopated_time March 15 2010, 15:01:32 UTC
I just woke up and have not yet had caffeine, but even in my uncaffeinated state I can tell this is an excellent post.

You've articulated a lot of nebulous feelings I've had swirling around inside me since DW opened its doors and people started heading over en mass. I love my kickass username over there (pomegranate FTW!) but while some of my LJ friends use both, I don't have anyone that exclusively uses DW, so I'm lazy about even crossposting there.

Also, I think you're right. I don't judge anyone on what bar they choose to make their home and conversely I don't particularly dig being judged about where I choose to hang my hat.


stripedpetunia March 15 2010, 17:35:20 UTC
Man, I would happily keep all my fandom shit on DW but there's no one over there if I want my stuff to actually be read. D: So I crosspost to LJ as well. As for my personal journal, that stays here. I have an ancient and hardore flist.


kaiserkuchen March 15 2010, 17:39:38 UTC
I went and got a DW like basically everyone else I knew did when it seemed like a lot of people were gonna move last year? But I have since discovered that I am basically doing nothing and squatting on my username there and keep forgetting my DW password. Which makes me lazy in actually commenting on people's posts whoops (those who actually solely post to DW, which still isn't a lot)

SO I am thus really happy that the majority of the people on my flist is still sticking with LJ, or at least mirrors their posts so that one can comment here, too. I agree with your point about it boiling down to being a matter of "to each their own" and I respect that utterly. I just apparently have a very high threshold for tolerating fuckery, it seems XDD

(I didn't even notice that last big thing recently with the external links before reading posts about it, as I am apparently one of these weird people who do not use online shopping sites AT ALL ahem >_>;;)


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