FIC : Passing Inspection (White Collar, PG-13)

Feb 02, 2010 00:28


Title : Passing Inspection
Fandom : White Collar
Characters/Pairing : Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke; pre-Neal/Peter
Rating : PG-13
Warnings : none.
Word Count : 1749
Summary : The theft of a painting provides Neal with the chance to fulfill an old promise; Peter worries what will happen if he takes it.
A/Ns : part five in the 'driven' ( Read more... )

verse: driven, fic: white collar, fic: full length, pairing: neal/peter, fandom: two mile radius, fic: mine

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Comments 14

devohoneybee February 2 2010, 06:06:41 UTC
oh... that's nuanced and lovely and very, very cool. :)


smokexscribbles February 2 2010, 06:08:38 UTC

You really have their dynamic down. And "The look of reverence as he folded the thick waxy paper over the face of the painting was pure and intimate, and it twisted hotly through Peter's stomach." was just... <3.

Brb checkin' out all your other fic


misura February 2 2010, 06:53:38 UTC
This was lovely and delightful and it left me with this smile on my face that's probably going to stay on there for the rest of the day.

I especially loved the way they read one another so well - and yet not completely, like when Neal asks Peter what would bother him more: Neal stealing the painting or Neal stealing the painting with Peter right there. (And then refusing to sat he's not going to steal it, leaving Peter wondering instead.)



chetamorton February 2 2010, 09:25:03 UTC
Positively, absolutely lovely. A gelled moment and the perfect length for the topic.


Beautifully written ursula4x February 2 2010, 14:14:59 UTC
Thick with tension and undertones of longing.


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