henceforth thursday shall be meme day, i think. ganked this one from
vega_ofthe_lyre and others.
Pick a paragraph (or any passage less than 500 words) from any story I've written, and comment to this post with that selection. I will then give you a DVD commentary on that snippet: what I was thinking when I wrote it, why I wrote it in the first place, what's
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Comments 10
and aw, I'm sorry I didn't catch this post til now! here's a boykissing picspam, mull that over while I dig up some recs for ya ♥
Now for something more attuned to your interests...how do you feel about sex pollen? I love it madly, I know it's an easy way to get stuff going and can be vaguely dub-con-esque and a lot of people consider it a cheap trick. but I LOVE it. between Star Trek and Batman it has become one of my favourite tropes, and, well. here's one with Kirk and Spock. yay!
this story is K/S, sweet and delicate, deals with fallout from Spock Prime melding with Jim and and and good lord I suck, this one's not funny or smutty either - to be honest it's barely on this side of gen. But I like it a whole lot.
here's a nice smutty one, K/S and a wall. XD
BOTH funny and smutty, perhaps ( ... )
--also i am usually into genderswap, it depends on the pairing but link me in either case and if it's not my thing i'm sure i can find someone to pass the buck to. ;D
Klingon + Eminem = win
Star Wars Muppet Episode Part I of III here - this never fails to amuse me, if only for the fact that the introduction is "look! It's Luke Skywalker!" and "WHAT MARK HAMILL!" (also, oh god, baby mark hamill)
I also present a link to video reviews by the nostalgia chick here. I am fond in particular of the labyrinth and mulan reviews.
And finally: TNG Trek vs. Star Wars Lasers? Lasers. Lasers?
Adama grins; it's easy then, to see the regular guy under the uniform. Maybe it's having his father back at the helm, maybe it's having been in the middle of a firefight for the first time in a long time. Jim's not sure what changed, or if anything even did. Maybe he just got to know the guy a little better; either way, he feels a lot better about getting to his feet and offering Adama his hand.
"I haven't had a chance to thank you," he says. "But I'd do it again anytime. Hope I don't ever have to," he adds, and Adama snorts a laugh, shaking Jim's hand. Spock and Kara just look at them, then at each other; as he heads back toward his bed, Jim sees Spock's head tilt to the side, and Kara look away with a slight smile curving her lips.
this scene was so important to me, it's almost silly. i had it in my head for a while after i realized what the fallout from the final battle was going to be; i knew that jim and lee had to make some kind of peace in a totally relaxed setting, that was the only way they were going to really feel okay about each other. and i really wanted that, like it was very important to me to end up the fic with the feeling that despite their huge and obvious differences, the crews of the two ships were not only cool with each other, but *awesome* with each other. and jim and lee being the leaders of the two crews (well, lee as the leader of the younger generation, anyway) had to get along.
and i also wanted to force them to have a bro moment with kara and spock looking on making mental snide commentary while they did it. XD anytime i can team up kara and spock to make fun of someone, i'm thrilled. XDDDD
Seriously, if there was any part when I was reading that fic that I started to wonder if you could do a sequel to this, it was that part. There's so much potential now that the crews are awesome with each other.
And the Kara & Spock thing is like one of my favorite things in the whole fic, I can't even tell you why. I remember early on when they're having the little dinner party, there's this part when she gives him this look cause she can see he's a bit possessive of his captain, and it really shows that they've developed their own thing in the course of the fic that this time it's just them having an inside joke.
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