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Comments 12

deensey October 28 2009, 21:37:13 UTC
LOL, Dude, it's on the rejected list. People tried.


betweenthebliss October 28 2009, 21:42:29 UTC
not new trek! i had to comment and ask one of the mods b/c i was SO shocked to see it wasn't on the reject list, and she said no one had even nominated it. DS9 and voyager got nom'd and rejected, but not the new movie. :3 sssssssshh let me think my fandom is smart, okay? XD


deensey October 28 2009, 22:37:18 UTC
Ahaha okay sweetie.

Though, that's a list of every rejected fandom ever. So HP may not have been nominated, but it's on the standard rejection.

Though three tries to offer gossip girl this year??? Come ON people.


betweenthebliss October 28 2009, 22:40:43 UTC
yeah actually, the mod said HP is leftover, and thank god cus really, lol, that's just ridiculous. also yes, GG as an inactive fandom makes me chortle. have these people ever been on livejournal? XD XD


stripedpetunia October 29 2009, 02:31:43 UTC
OH SHIT BIG BANG DAY. It's gonna get real. Now I am trying to remember which story was yours. I THINK I know.


betweenthebliss October 29 2009, 15:41:31 UTC
HINT your icon is relevant to my big bang's interests. (the fandom, anyway, not the character, lol).


stripedpetunia October 29 2009, 19:14:57 UTC
I thought so. HA! I'm excited. So is Gaius.


betweenthebliss October 29 2009, 20:02:40 UTC
lmao that icon is awesome, srsly it's sort of mesmerizing. XDDD


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