
Sep 24, 2009 13:23

the trek score makes me really happy. makes me miss being more regularly involved with music. things on my never-ending to-do list ( Read more... )

writing: big bang 09, fandom: is random, fandom: exorcizamus te, fandom: the final frontier

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Comments 2

ninety6tears September 25 2009, 21:47:28 UTC
So one of the BB mods said my correct email seems to be bouncing stuff back and there might be an issue with stupid Lycos, so I'm just gonna give you my student address:


betweenthebliss September 28 2009, 20:21:54 UTC
oh hm that's weird-- i just wrote you back from the email you sent me, so if you didn't get sth from me this afternoon lemme know and i'll re-send it to this addy. <3!


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