Nearly seven years ago, Dr. Sweetheart was pressed against my back, dropping kisses on my neck. I had a choice. I could turn my head and let him kiss me, or I could climb off of his bed and sleep on his couch. I was torn: should I kiss my best friend and chance ruining the wonderful connection we had, or should I let the most wonderful man I knew
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Comments 18
I do this all the time-- think about how different things would've been, had one choice been different. Even the seemingly small choices. At that point, for you, whether or not to turn around was a small choice, in and of itself. But it had a huge impact... a life-changing one.
I think that the choices you are meant to make will continue appearing in your life, until it finally dawns on you that you're supposed to choose the other option. Maybe it's all hindsight. I think that if you are truly meant to do something, be with someone, go somewhere, etc... it WILL happen. It's just a matter of timing, circumstance, and learning. And, of course, a trait that I seem to lack-- patience.
I'm fairly new to your journal but I must say, your posts always intrigue me. I love thought provoking ideas, looking at things from a different angle, you make me think. :-)
I'm glad you're happy with where you are in life. And you know that you are in control of your own destiny!!
This reporter asks me, "Mister Burroughs, do you have any regrets?" WHAT did you say? No, don't say it again.
I'm lucky if I get through a day without a regret and this guy's asking about a LIFETIME.
There have been several points in my life I can pinpoint that would most definitely have changed it radically if things had gone differently. Perhaps >lj user="lindalee_"> is right and the life trend would have moved in this direction anyway, but still, things would be very different. However, when I was considering this it occurred to me that there must be many more of these points I'm not even aware of. Indeed, every decision I make could have a major impact in my life later. The possibilities are never as narrow as they seem.
I'm also have a great fondness for the many-worlds interpretation of the fate of Schrödinger's famous Gedankenkatze. The thought that in infinite universes there are infinite "mes" living all the lives I possibly can is, to me, a comforting one.
You are an insightful, eloquent author with an uncanny knack for putting before me things I've had rattling around in my head but have not yet been able to articulate. Not only do you present us with the question, you direct us toward an answer.
I would like to add this to my memories, if you don't mind. At the age of 53, I have plenty of roads untraveled, but choices ahead of me yet to make. I have, without having put the reasoning into words, made the choice to follow the desires of my heart but once more I find myself at a crossroads. Your words have helped illuminate and clarify my choice-making process, and I thank you.
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