God speed, my lonely angel

Feb 10, 2009 23:19

I came home tonight and was greeted by the cutest little kitten on my porch. He/she was all dark with gray stripes, and had those adorable white paws. It kept rubbing against my leg and meowing plaintively at me. I didn't have the heart to shoo it away, but couldn't let it in the house since three members of my family (including myself) are allergic to cats. Oh that cute, cute little kitty. I think my heart got broken a little. *sniffles*

On a more cheerful side: I (finally) got a new phone!

A pink 'n black Samsung Slyde. Yay for QWERTY keyboards!

This episode of Doctor Who totally broke my heart. I was watching it last night and just cried silent tears into my pillow. *clutches blankets*

tears, fandom: whoverse, irrepressible bouts of consumerism

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