My secret is that i think trying to copy other people's LJ ideas is kind of sad. Several other people have simply refered their reader's to aroraborealis's post.
I hear your point, but I don't actually feel I'm copying anyone's ideas. I do my own "LJ confessional" once or twice every year; additionally, my flist is different from hers, and the kinds of comments i'm going to get are different as well.
perhaps I'd feel more ashamed of being derivative if I knew who I was talking to. :) Happy V-Day.
How absurd. It's not as though arora invented the idea, and besides, part of the fun is knowing that it's your people who are sharing. If I don't know arora or her friends, why would I send my friends there and why would they want to share with her?
I love it when other people have these posts, and I get to see what different (though overlapping) social groups have to say to each other in a meme like this.
Do you think all LJ memes are inherently sad, regardless of the quality of the meme itself, simply because they all involve seeing an idea on someone's LJ and copying it to one's own?
Comments 9
perhaps I'd feel more ashamed of being derivative if I knew who I was talking to. :) Happy V-Day.
Got issues, much?
Do you think all LJ memes are inherently sad, regardless of the quality of the meme itself, simply because they all involve seeing an idea on someone's LJ and copying it to one's own?
(yes, I'm female)
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