No, my father never met Sir Terry Pratchett. He probably never read any of his books, although he would have loved them -- especially the later, snarkier, more Twain-esque* ones. Funnily enough, my father actually looked a little like Terry Pratchett, although he didn't wear a hat.
this may be hard reading for some )
Comments 26
I know several people who have been, or are current are being, helped by what your dad did. His courage and generosity is astonishing.
This is a wonderful, marvelous connection. Your dad's bravery, his drive to try to help doctors understand and maybe, just maybe help the next poor soul after him -
Your dad was a gift upon this earth. Truly, one of the quiet heroes that save so, so many people and never quite get the love they should get (even if it would surprise them). Because true heroes just DO. They do because they feel they can and because they feel they should.
I am so glad that Sir Terry got a few more good years, bringing us his wonderful words and thoughts upon the page. I'm glad your dad did that for him. Two heroes from two different worlds, yet it is funny how through their odd, but unsung connection, they made the world a better place for us all.
*hugs you hard*
*raises, then dumps one out for your dad*
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