Meme answers!

Feb 22, 2014 12:00

Yes, I'm actually fulfilling a meme in the same year in which I posted it!  I got terribly wordy, so this is the Post of Many Cuts.

magnavox_23 asked for #1:  Of the fic you’ve written, of which are you most proud?

pride and prejudice )

macgyver, memery, writing

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Comments 7

a_phoenixdragon February 22 2014, 05:26:44 UTC
Okay, I just wanna hug all your answers. ALL OF THEM. YUS.



lost_spook February 22 2014, 09:36:24 UTC
I couldn't remember what I asked, but I knew it wasn't 10. (You've got me and Sid the wrong way round, but since the result is the same, and the answers are all very interesting, it doesn't matter.) I hope you finish your WIP!


And I know what you mean about accidental themes that seem to grow with the story as you write.


lolmac February 22 2014, 18:58:32 UTC
Argh and oops, and thank you! I've corrected the post. You asked for the WIP.


lothithil February 22 2014, 16:47:03 UTC
*applesauce* :)


sidlj February 26 2014, 20:12:19 UTC
Love Tiger Charlie!

It's interesting how your background in folk music is a strength in your writing. I doubt my background in classical music has helped me!

I enjoy building characters, too. Motivations, flaws, backgrounds, goals...but I don't always go that deep. Especially when I'm writing people from an alien culture, I just want them to be consistent and believable and not boring. We learn about their culture through them, but we don't have to understand it. Likewise I don't have to really understand who they are deep-down as individuals in order to use them as world-building blocks. Now if I were the type to write epic off-world stories, I'd have to do much better with my aliens!


lolmac February 27 2014, 03:21:19 UTC
I doubt my background in classical music has helped me

I bet it has.

Your writing has wonderful pace, timing, and rhythm. You know how to keep an elongated phrase strong, how to build a passage, how to work variations. You know what dramatic flow feels like. Are you aware that most people don't know this? I'd bet a whole stack of cookies that your musicianship fed into your writing.

With the character depths -- sometimes I don't need a whole lot; sometimes I find myself dreadfully stuck. One of the unsticking techniques that often works is to look at a scene, spot the slice of cardboard where there needs to be a character, and go figure out who the hell that person is and what he/she is supposed to be doing there. It's true, most of the detail never gets anywhere near the page, nor should it, but it can sometimes get me out of a brainlock, and that's always good!

Most of your writing involves two already very nicely developed characters, and you get to dig deeper into them. As it were. ;)


jackwabbit March 7 2014, 04:08:11 UTC
I saw this a while ago, but never got to comment because reasons, so thank you for sending it to me again.

I love my character. Well, I don't love him as a person, because he sounds like a real douche, but as a character, he's gold. Glad I made you make him up!

Also, I want to read that WIP, and drabbles are easy, you sillyhead! ;)


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