Laundry!fic! Continued!!

Apr 24, 2012 19:37

Part 1 is here.  The explanation, or inspiration, or background, or alibi, is here.

The poll at the end of Part 1 was close, but the answering machine eventually won.

Part 2
a swift exit
The phone continued to beep shrilly, and MacGyver’s resolve crumbled. He was reaching for the phone when the answering machine clicked on.

‘Hi. This is MacGyver. We all know how these things work, so when you hear the beep, go for it.’

“Mac? It’s me! C’mon, buddy, pick up. I know you’re there. You must be. I can feeeel it. You know that correspondence course I’ve been taking in precognition and clairvoyance and all that stuff?” Jack Dalton’s voice prattled away, and Mac snatched his hand back as if the phone had suddenly become radioactive.

“Well, let me tell you, buddy, it’s amazing! I got myself a bunch of those US Geological Survey maps, and I’ve been going over them with a dowsing pendulum doodad for one of my homework assignments, and I’ve got a red-hot strike! Gold, buddy! For real! The only thing is, I’m gonna need a bit of help getting out to the place to check it out - you see, my car kinda got repo’d last week, so I’ve been stuck at home, well, good thing I’ve got the correspondence course to keep me busy - ”

The answering machine ran out of tape two minutes and thirty-five seconds later. Mac didn’t hear it. He was upstairs in his loft bedroom, hastily cramming laundry into a dufflebag. The nearest laundromat was in the main marina services building - bad idea, Jack might be able to find him there. He had his key to Pete’s apartment, and he needed to water Pete’s plants, and there was a little laundromat on the corner of the block there - but that was kind of a long drive. Heck, maybe he’d just get in the Jeep and stop at the first laundromat he saw, as long as it was in some part of town where Jack Dalton couldn’t find him.

Poll ETA: Part 3 is now here.

dark!laundry!fic!, crack, macgyver, fic

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