[Not filtered like a boss. Just another example of Cas' recklessness right here.]
This town's sure goin' to hell isn't it? Good thing I don't care, otherwise I'd have a real mess on my hands.
Well if anyone wants to enjoy a drink while this shit gets real, I'll be at the bar.
[Filtered to Finas]
Hey... uh. Figure maybe we should talk. I gotta head in
Read more... )
[Looking up at him then, brow raised. He rather missed their living arrangement, it was convenient and they've been together so long, it was still awkward not having him around as much.]
...And if we did?
[He snickered and, looking around to make sure there weren't any rogue drones, leaned in to speak in a low voice.]
Well, I figure we should do somethin' a little excitin'. Since tonight's, y'know, a momentous occasion and all.
[Mused as he watched him, well the streets were rather quiet, it seemed the drones were wary of the recent events as well. He gave a slight nod.]
I suppose you're right. What did you have in mind?
Hmm... If we find a place to be alone, maybe I could show you what I got in mind.
[That was easier said than done, unfortunately. Mayfield didn't offer a lot of places to be alone.]
[Shrugging his shoulder, thoughtful.]
If remaining outdoors doesn't interest you, I have a safe haven of sorts at home. I claimed one of the rooms as my study, the wife and children don't even come near it anymore. Whichever you prefer, Cas.
Your study, hm? Sounds just fine to me. Lead the way.
Ah good, they're sleeping.
[Up the walkway, and he's unlocking the door.]
Since getting it back I barely see them at all now.
[Maybe now that jealousy in his voice was a little more obvious. However pointless it still was. He stepped in after Finas and peered around the dark foyer, hand still at Finas' shoulder. He knew the layout of the houses well enough, so he urged the other down the hall in that direction.]
[Sighed as he went down the hall towards the room he took over as his study. He even had a lock on the door which he promptly opened, ushering him inside then closing it behind them. Then as a second thought he locked it, turning to face the other man, looking up at him.]
[He looked around the study as he was ushered inside, but it didn't hold his interest. As soon as that single word had left Finas, Cas' hands raised to the other's face and he swooped down to kiss him hard, forcing him up against the door. Finally, he'd been waiting all night to do that. He pulled back just an inch, feeling he'd made his point.]
But let's not talk about them.
We're not really here to talk, are we...
[Murmured, and as soon as that was established his hand curled in Cas' shirt, pulling him back against his lips, into a hungry kiss growling softly into it.]
[Cut off with Finas hungry kiss, which he reciprocated eagerly. His hands wove into Finas' hair as he did, pushing his body up against him. There wasn't much room in that study for them to work with, but he kinda liked it that way. Hell he'd do it on the desk, he wasn't picky. And his hands lowered to that familiar cashmere scarf, slipping it off Finas' neck.]
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