D: I don't get the River-hate, I really don't. (I'm behind on DW and haven't seen any of part 2 yet.) She is so cool and I really want to find/write a crossover where she meets up with Indiana Jones and they fight Nazis or something, idk but it would be AWESOME.
Apart from the usual idiocy in fandom of not liking strong female characters, with which I could never identify and still don't really understand the origin of it, me either. River is just fantabulous and awesome. ♥ I have a lifesize cardboard cut-out of her in my living room for damn good reason! *hugs it* Fuck fandom. I'm sticking to the River and Eleven/River communities in this fandom - if I don't I might end up wanting to blow someone up. =P
But strong girls are more fun than the ones who don't do anything! I mean, I kind of got the Gwen-hate in the beginning, but in the current series of Torchwood she is SO STRONG and such a badass and I love her so much for it. She put tiny fluffy ear-defenders on her babby and then SHOT ALL THE THINGS still holding her little girl!
Comments 13
I've really not liked Series 6 part ii either but River is taking a lot of flak and it makes me sad :(
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