Who: Peter Vincent and You
What: He's settled into a routine. It's actually not so bad.
When: Tuesday 24th - Friday 27th
Where: Just about anywhere. Most likely locales: Hell House, Sanctuary or Random Bar/Club X, Church of the Soul (PM me about that last one; I'd rather not too many people know he goes there...yet). Could also be out in the street
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She had only been in Bete Noire a little over a week, and admittedly there was a lot of ground to cover. Ground that she should not be covering alone, regardless of what experience she may have happened to have in Mystic Falls, but given everything that had happened so quickly during her arrival here, she needed a little time to herself. Time to get her head on straight. Time to ... figure out what to do with all of this -- with the alternate Damon and Bonnie, with Jenna, with ... the world as she was going to have to know it.
That didn't mean she went out stupid, however. There was a stake tucked under her jacket, just in case a vampire decided to jump her (she hadn't learned that these vampires dust yet, and it's probably bound to freak her out a bit when she does), and she was on the look out. She was from Mystic Falls. She was up to her ears in vampires on all the days that end in 'y' and she had been training for situations like this ( ... )
He had been wrong. And now he was lost. In a sense. He was fairly sure he knew how to get back to Hell House from here - mostly - but as far as the restaurant went...
There was a girl walking toward him, just as Peter stopped to acknowledge the fact that he had no idea where he was going.
"You wouldn't happen to know where Barber Road's got to?"
"No, sorry."
"It's rough. I know. But -- loads of people come here, they haven't got the first clue. You've seen 'em before, you've got a leg up."
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