Shorts and Drabbles List 2

Apr 22, 2011 10:43

Doctor Who Adventures - Full List

Here is the list of all the very short Doctor Who Drabbles and Quick Fics on the site. Tiny, small stories just for fun.

All stories are rated G or PG,  the same as the TV series:

A Bright Sunshiney Day - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - The Doctor and River have gone boating, on a lake, all by themselves, in a really small boat...

I Need a Hug - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - The Doctor needs a hug.

He Doesn't Sleep - (11th Doctor) [short] - His Companions thought they knew what his life was like, always running, always on the go, never sleeping. Always hectic. But there were parts of his life his Companions never saw...

When I Fall - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - He'd promised he'd always catch her...

Laundry Day - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] -  River being domestic at a laundromat... Sometimes things don't work out as planned...

Switcheroo - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - The Doctor and River have accidentally switched genders, it's very distracting, especially when they have a monster to kill...

A Moment's Peace - (11th Doctor, River Song) - There's no point in running all over time and space, if you can't stop and appreciate the moment.

Kickass - (River Song, Ace McShane) - What would happen if River and Ace ever met?

I Declare - (11th Doctor, River Song) - The Doctor and River visit a world with some unusual customs.

Putting on the Ritz - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - River Song is wearing a tux.

Besotted - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - What does the Doctor think when he looks at River?

Beginnings - (1st Doctor, Susan Foreman) [short] - The first step into a new life can be jarring...

Early Days - (11th Doctor, River Song, Amy Pond) [short] - Amy discovers something unexpected in River's diary...

Bring Your Husband to Work Day - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - They each have their own interests, but somehow they make it work...

The Dragon Bouquet - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - Dragonslaying and flower arranging, when you're the Doctor and River, it's all in how you do it.

In the News - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - A picture is worth a thousand words. Especially when you're the Doctor and River Song.

Peer Pressure - (11th Doctor, River, Amy, Rory) [short] - This is the second shortest fanfic I've ever written.

Alone Again - (10th Doctor, TARDIS) [short] - Alone again, the Doctor wonders if it's fair to keep making friends. He's dangerous. And it hurts when they leave. What should he do? And what would his old friends say? One old friend knows him better than any other, and she knows what to say. Haircut - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - This was inspired by the pictures of Matt Smith with short, buzzcut hair.

A Day at the Spa - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - River is enjoying a day at the spa, until the Doctor shows up...

Introductions - (11th Doctor, River Song, Amy Pond) [short] - What was Amy thinking the first time she met River Song?

Solonian Seasons - (4th Doctor, Sarah Jane) [short] -   In the 3rd Doctor story "The Mutants" the natives of the planet Solos metamorphosized as their planet moved from its 500 year spring into summer. What happened at the other seasons?

Weatherwise - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - You can just never trust the weather...

Like Mother Like Daughter - (11th Doctor, River Song, Amy Pond, Rory Williams) [short] - Amy and Rory wonder how they could have produced such a daughter as River Song.

Civil - (11th Doctor, River Song, Abraham Lincoln) [short] - What would happen if the Doctor and River met Abraham Lincoln?

Nightlife - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] -  He'd promised her all her nights would belong to him, but sometimes she didn't wait for him to arrive, sometimes she went to him...

Zero G - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - There's nothing quite like River Song in zero gravity...

Easter Bunnies - (11th Doctor, River Song, Amy, Rory) [short] - The Doctor's caught up in the childlike joy of Easter, to the embarrassment of his Companions. So how do they distract him?

Frustrating - (River Song) [short] - They'd been a long time fighting the Silence, but it was finally done. Victory abounded in the Tardis, and they were all winding down. Except for River, who was still wound up. Victory, propinquity, and a young, sexy Doctor who'd been returning her flirts...

Chess - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - Sometimes the Doctor gets lonely for his wife...

His Hands - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] -  She'd always loved his hands...

Angels Take Manhattan - Alternate Ending - (11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, River ) [short] - A slightly different ending to Angels Take Manhattan.

UFO - (11th Doctor, River Song, Tardis) [short] - Two unidentified onlookers get a big surprise...

Alien's Eye View - (3rd Doctor, Alpha Centauri) [short] - What was Alpha Centauri thinking when he first saw the Doctor had returned to Peladon? Allons-y and Geronimo! - (10 and 11) - My second shortest short story. (13 words)

Grunt - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - One thing married couples have to do, is learn to interpret each other's grunts...

Good Things Come to He Who Waits - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - It was an amazing and scary thing to be a husband again after all this time. He'd forgotten...

Made for Each Other - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - She could regenerate, she had the same temporal nature, she was connected to the Tardis, she was smart, and wild, and brave... "Does it bother you?" the Doctor asked, "that you were literally made for me?"

I Can't Take Him Anywhere - (10th Doctor, Rory, Amy, River) [short] - Amy and Rory are used to the Doctor and River's timelines being confusing, but this is a little more confusing than normal...

She's My Anchor and My Sail - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - He didn't react to women like this. It was a Time Lord thing. They didn't let you out in the universe without certain precautions, and frankly, there were always so many other interesting things to think about. But River was different...

Dinner for Two, or Three - (11th Doctor, River Song, Martha Jones) [short] - What must the Doctor and River's life look like, looking from the outside in? Martha comes to dinner.

Pyramid - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - What was the Doctor thinking on that pyramid? - "Wedding of River Song"

Yes, Yes, Yes - (11th Doctor, River Song) - "Are you married, River?" - What River was thinking at the end of "The Big Bang."

She's a Flirt - (River Song) [short] - She knows him, but he doesn't know her yet, why does that get her hot?

Nice Guys - (Rory Williams, River Song) [short] - Rory and River pull a prank on Amy.

Put Up a Balloon - (11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, River) [short] - Roommates need signals to show when they want privacy, but sometimes signals get crossed...

Snog Him! - (11th Doctor, River Song, Amy Pond, Rory Williams) [short] - Amy dares River to snog the Doctor, but River is much too mature for that. Mature women have other ways...

Randolf the Red Nosed Reindeer - (11th Doctor, River Song, Nick) [short] - Santa's lost one of his reindeer, the Doctor must help him get it back.

He Sees You When You're Sleeping - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - River Song gets a visit from Santa in Stormcage. The Doctor's never gotten to play Santa before...

That's Amore! - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - A Songfic based on - "That's Amore" by Dean Martin. Italy, romantic cheesy see where I'm going with this?

The Christmas Squirrel - (11th Doctor, Squirrel) - [short] - There's a squirrel in the Doctor's Christmas tree!

Voices in the Snow - (11th Doctor, Companions) [short] - The Doctor is alone again, the Ponds are gone, and he's sent River away. But she refuses to leave him alone. She sends him to a planet he's never heard of, tells him to go out in the snow and think of his friends. And when he does, he receives the most unusual gift...

Secret Santa - (11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, River) [short] - The Doctor and River take Amy and Rory to a world where Secret Santa has been raised to a whole new level.

"Cleanup on Aisle 5" - (10th Doctor, Donna Noble) [short] - Donna forces the reluctant 10th Doctor to go grocery shopping at Tescos. But he's in for a surprise.

Pancakes and Syrup - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - River and the Doctor have gotten themselves in a bit of trouble with the local alien tribe. But the Doctor's come up with a clever plan...

Grownups - (11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, OCs,) [short] - On a world of children, the Doctor, Amy, and Rory are the only Grownups. And now the Sheriff has put out an APB on them. He gets a call from a construction site, where the workers have never seen a Grownup before...  (Original Mini-episode based on the fan novel " Youth is Wasted on the Young.")

Hatty Halloween - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - River and the Doctor celebrate Halloween...

Christmas - Way Back When - (Amy Pond, Rory Williams; mentions of 11th Doctor and River Song) [short] - From the Prompt: A holiday with Amy and Rory in their new life in the past. Something optimistic!

Bubbles - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - The Doctor was having a bubble bath... How could a girl resist?

Puttering Around - (11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, River) [short] - All they wanted, was to play a little golf...

Grow Old With Me - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - "Never let him see the damage. Never let him see you age..." Cell Mates - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - River and the Doctor have been locked in a dungeon together...

Martyr - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - {Set after "A Town Called Mercy"} - The Doctor's confrontation with Kahler Jex has brought up old memories and wounds, and he turns to the only person he can, River.

Not Bad Boys - (11th Doctor, Rory, River, Amy) [short] - The Doctor and Rory weren't bad boys, but sometimes that's a good thing...

Changing Rooms - (River Song, Jamie McCrimmon) [short] -  River needs a change of clothes, and doesn't much care which Tardis she gets them from...

Home is Where the Heart Is - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - Home means different things to different people...

Cooking - (11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, River) [short] - Amy walks into the Tardis kitchen to find the most unexpected sight...

One Day - (2nd Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Susan Foreman) [short] - "One day I shall come back, yes, I shall come back, until then there should be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine..."

Dressing Up - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - The Doctor and River love to dress up. But sometimes it leads to other things.

Isn't She A Bit Old For You? - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - This is the perennial question whenever he and River go adventuring together, but what does the Doctor really think?

Wedding of River Song (Alternate Ending) - (11th Doctor, Amy Pond, River Song) [short] - An alternate ending to Wedding of River Song, based on the idea that Amy, Rory, and River really did think that the Doctor had died at Lake Silencio, that there never had been a Tessalecta duplicate, and the Doctor had come up with another way to fake his death.

Day Off - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - What does the Doctor do on his day off, when there's no world to save and no monsters to chase?

Good to be Home - (River Song) [short] - Why does River keep returning to Stormcage?

Ah Family - (11th Doctor, River, Rory, Amy) [short] -  It was just another morning in the Tardis... breakfast, bickering, and repairs...

The Painting - (11th Doctor) [short] - Why did the Doctor agree to pose for the painting at the beginning of The Impossible Astronaut, and how did he end up under the woman's skirts?

Fountains of Light - (11th Doctor, River Song) [Short] - He'd been trying to explain what the Tardis had done to her as an infant. Why it would respond to her. Why she was different...

Interview - (11th Doctor) [short] - An alien is interviewed on the news about his planet's encounter with the Doctor...

Opposites Attract - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - Amy catches the Doctor and River dancing, unaware that they are observed. (Set to the Paula Abdul song, "Opposites Attract.") Movie Date - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - The Doctor and River go to see Star Wars...

Diamond in the Rough - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - The Doctor and River go swimming, and the Doctor realizes River has a unique birthmark.

Whining About Whine - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - From the prompt: "You know how Eleven is always spitting out his wine, how about a story where River tries to find a wine that the Doctor likes and succeeds."

Tag Team - (Rory Williams, River Song, Amy Pond, 11th Doctor) [short] - It's up to River and Rory to protect the injured Amy and Doctor, but River has never realized what a warrior her father is...

The Art of Seduction - (Rory Williams, River Song, 11th Doctor) [short] - River is out to seduce the Doctor. But sometimes a girl needs a little help with her marriage. Fortunately, River's dad is awesome...

It Snowed White - (11th Doctor and River Song) [short] - To River, the Doctor was always fire and ice, sometimes more literally than others. - They were trapped in an ice cave... (First part of a duo called " It Snowed White and Rose Red.")

And Rose Red - (11th Doctor and River Song) [short] - To River, the Doctor was always fire and ice, sometimes more literally than others. - Fire rained down around them... (Second part of a duo called " It Snowed White and Rose Red.")

Catnap - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - All River wants to do is sleep, but they've somehow acquired a kitten in the Tardis, how is she going to keep the Doctor from adopting it?

Vengeance - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - He took River thousands of years into the future and just left her there... But now she's hunted him down, and she's furious... (Set after Let's Kill Hitler)

Precautions (A Big Bang Fixit) - (11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, River) [short] - This is a missing scene that briefly explains how and why the Tardis exploded in The Big Bang.

Wobbly - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - Everyone thought she was the sexy one, but he made her go weak at the knees.

Close - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - The Doctor's a bit confused about how he reacts to River. But confusion's not a bad thing...

The Museum of Love (River Song, 11th Doctor) [short] - While working as an archeologist, River discovers a number of mysterious notes on various artifacts. Notes meant for her...

Daddy's Girl - (Young Rory, Young Mels) - Someone makes Mels cry, Rory goes and sorts them out...

Athena's Toes - (11th Doctor, River Song, Amy, Rory) [short] - She was dressed like a goddess, with pretty pink toes...

Interlude - (11th Doctor) [short] - It's not all about saving the world...
Screwdriver - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - He knew he had to build her the sonic screwdriver she had at the Library...

Instructions - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - His hands were tied, literally, in one red bowtie and one black. She said he only had to tell her what to do, but some things needed to be shown...

Duet - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - She was brilliant. River Song could do anything. She was playing the piano...

Daddy - (Rory Williams, River Song) [short] - Sometimes she'd catch Rory just staring at her. She knew he was looking for his daughter.

"River, What Are You Doing?!" - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - River's in an odd mood. She didn't shoot his hat. What is she up to?

A Very Good Day - (11th Doctor, River, Amy, Rory) [short] - He wasn't getting any younger, and his Companions were ganging up on him... - "This is never going to work!" Rory whispered. "It will if you'll quit dawdling," Amy said. "Come on, River is keeping him distracted..."

Dirty Old Man - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - The Doctor isn't a dirty old man. But it was his anniversary, and he was old, and it was muddy, and, well, things just sort of developed...

Concencus - (All the Doctors, River Song) [short] - What do all the Doctors think of River?

Cat and Mouse - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - What was the Doctor thinking after River regenerated, as they were playing cat and mouse?

Appearances can be Delightful - (River Song, Jack Harkness) [short] - River has just come back from one of her more elaborate heists, and, she's a vision. He's just not sure what she's a vision of...

We Just Leave Her There? - (Amy, Rory, 11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - What did Amy and Rory think, immediately after leaving River at the hospital at the end of "Let's Kill Hitler?"

Last - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - They always run together... Written for the Who_Contest "Last" Challenge.

My Bad Girl - (11th Doctor, River Song, Mels, Amy) [short] - The Doctor stared down at the picture in his hand. It was of River, or, rather, young River. Mels, as Amy still called her. Lovely dark skin, silky black curly hair, and "bad girl" stamped on every inch of her...

Quit Looking at Me - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - River keeps staring at him.. Bathtime - (11th Doctor, River Song) - The Doctor catches River in the bath...

Call Waiting - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - She died in the Library, but she said they'd meet again. It was a call he'd been waiting for...

Witches and Wizards - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - The Doctor and River visit the Discworld.

Old Married Couple - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - Amy and Rory catch the Doctor and River, en deshabille in the library...

Sleeping - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - He was so tired. He didn't usually get tired. But even Time Lords can't go on forever. And there was River, in his bed...

Domestic - (10th Doctor and Donna) [short] - Sometimes having a roommate can be a real pain.

It Works on Wood - (11th Doctor, Amy, Rory) [short] - The sonic doesn't work on wood. Well, he'll just see about that!

She Makes Me Smile - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - Why did he always feel a big grin inside whenever she appeared?

Special Occasions - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - There's always time for a special occasion. (Holiday Story.)

A Life of Her Own - (River Song, 11th Doctor) [short] - What does River Song do when the Doctor's not around? Does her life really revolve around him? Or does she have A Life of Her Own?

Ruminations - (River Song, 11th Doctor) [short] - What was River really thinking during "Let's Kill Hitler?"

When a Victim isn't a Victim - (River Song, Companion, 11th Doctor) [short] - If you were the Doctor's Companion, what is the first question you'd ask River Song? - This is a sequel to "When a Prison isn't a Prison" and "When a Prisoner isn't a Prisoner"

When a Prisoner isn't a Prisoner - (11th Doctor, River Song, Companion) [short] - The Doctor is taking his new Companion to meet River Song... A sequel to "When a Prison isn't a Prison."

When a Prison isn't a Prison - (11th Doctor, River Song, Companion) [short] - The Doctor's Companion is incensed to learn that the Doctor has left his wife in prison. But, he explains, he and his wife aren't like other people, and what may seem a prison, is nothing but an illusion...

Island Paradise - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - It was an idyllic paradise... except for the coconut, and the ukelele, and River trying to drown him...

Caught - (River Song, 11th Doctor) [short] - Why does someone always catch you when you're having a good snog? River and the Doctor get caught by the most unexpected person... We're Getting Nothing for Christmas - (11th Doctor, River Song) [song] - River and the Doctor are getting nothing for Christmas, because they ain't been nothing but bad... (a rewrite of the classic Christmas carol, starring the Doctor and River.)

Sock It To Him - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] -  Santa Clause delivers everywhere. The Doctor finds a sock on his door.

You Watch Us Run - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - Even Time Lords gotta have some fun.

A Christmas for Two - (River Song, 11th Doctor) [short] - Sometimes the best gifts are the ones you don't expect.

The Only Turtle in a Box of Frogs - (Rory, River, Amy, 11th Doctor) [short] - Sometimes Rory felt like the only turtle in a box of frogs.

Silent Treatment - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - River was giving him the silent treatment, and he didn't know why!

Dancing - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - She loved dancing with the Doctor...

A Banquet of Riches - (River Song, All 11 Doctors) [short] - A temporal anomaly has left River stuck with the Doctor. All 11 of him. "How's a girl supposed to resist?"

Wherever it's Christmas Poem - (11th Doctor, Amy, Rory) [short] -  a condensed poem version of the Doctor Who fic - Wherever it's Christmas

Even Then - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - The Doctor knows River's future, and there's something he needs to tell her...

Her Face - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - Just the sight of her was enough to make his hearts pound with joy. Her face...

Hats Off! - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - River doesn't like the Doctor's hats. But maybe not for the reason you'd expect.

Someone to Rely On - (11th Doctor, Rory Williams) [short] - The Doctor has one last favor to ask of Rory. Because he needs someone he can trust.

The Stairwell - (11th Doctor, Rory Williams) [short] - Everybody worried about Amy losing her baby. Sometimes people forget Rory lost his baby as well.

Pet Names - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - River has always called him Sweetie, but what else has she called him?

Son-in-Law - (11th Doctor, River Song, Amy Pond) [short] - Amy is now the Doctor's mother-in-law, so what will she do when the Doctor and River come to visit?

"Closing Time" Alternate Ending - (11th Doctor, Craig Owens) [short] - A re-edited ending to the episode "Closing Time."

Bedmates - (11th Doctor, River Song) [short] - River finally has the Doctor exactly where she wants him. Sort of.

Grandparents - (River Song, Augustus Pond, Tabitha Pond) [short] - What would happen if River Song accidentally ran into her grandparents?

Child of the Tardis - (River Song, the Tardis) [short] - I wondered what made the crack in River's armor. What tipped the scales from a heartless person watching a man die, to a wondering child, willing to accept? And the only thing that came to mind, was the Tardis. She never expected the Tardis.

The Meaning of Life - (11th Doctor, Amy, and Rory) [short] -  Amy asks the Doctor, "What is the meaning of life?"  How will he answer?

Wedding Dancer - (11th Doctor) [short] - From a prompt - "Can someone, somewhere, write a ficlet about Eleven dancing with everyone at the wedding?"

Second Chances - (11th Doctor and River Song) [short] - She became everything she was, because he loved her enough to let her go.

Chitty Chitty Pow Pow - (11th Doctor and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) [short] - The Tardis isn't the only temperamental machine the Doctor has to deal with.

Never Boring (11th Doctor and River Song) [short] - Even the most hectic life has its quiet moments.

Time Bomb - (11th Doctor and River Song) [short] - The Doctor has found an unusual pocket watch, it scares River...

His Baby Girl (Rory Williams and Melody Pond) [short] - His baby girl… He'd only gotten to hold her for a little while.

Bender (11th Doctor, River, Amy, and Rory) [short] - The Doctor drinks something he shouldn't, with unfortunate results.

Miniscope (10th Doctor and Donna) [short] - Donna gets her first look at a miniscope, but there's a problem.

They're Alive! (Doctor and Companion) [short] - One day they may come back, yes they may come back... And if they do, how will the Doctor react?

"Oh, the Gratitude!" (10th Doctor and Donna) [short] - He saved her from being kidnapped by a robot, but what happened after Donna jumped into the Tardis on the motorway?

Spoilers (A River Song Fic) (River Song) [short] - She had just seen him dead, the damned man. All she wanted to do was grab him and hold on until the shaking stopped. To kiss him with all the years of love and pain and joy they'd shared...

Admiring the Sunset (4th Doctor and Romana I) [short] - Romana gets a lesson in universe travel, and the Doctor gets a lesson in paying attention.

Love Letters (11th Doctor and Amy) [short] - The psychic paper is great for sending little notes across time. Of course, some notes are quite distracting...

Tomfoolery (4th Doctor/Tom Baker) [Short] - The shortest fic ever! (only six words)

51st Century Gossip  (River Song and Jack Harkness) [Short] - River and Captain Jack talk about the Doctor.

What Are Your Intentions? (11th Doctor, Rory, Amy, River Song) [Short] - The Ponds have that talk with the Doctor and River.

Did You Ever Think... (The Doctor and River Song) [Short] - It's hard to lecture the man when he won't stand still.

The Stormcage (11th Doctor and River Song) [Short] - River's life in the Stormcage was boring, but there were a few things to liven it up.

It Was Just a Kiss (11th Doctor and River Song) [Short] - River Song is hot, and the Doctor's not immune.

A Cure For Nightmares (11th Doctor and Amy) [Short] - Amy is having nightmares. The Doctor has a cure.

A Lot of Running (10th Doctor and Donna) [Short] - They're all tied up and on the run again.

Time War Explained - [Short] - A quick conversation explains what happened during the Time War.

Going Swimming - (8th Doctor and Sam) [Short] - The Doctor can be so embarrassing!

Headlines [Short] - A short story containing every single New Who episode title, in order.

Sonic It! - (10th Doctor and Donna) [Short] - The sonic screwdriver can open anything. Almost.

Kitty Kitty in a Tree - (10th Doctor and Donna) [Short] - Donna attempts to rescue a kitten caught in a tree, only to discover things aren't quite what they appear.

The Doctor Lies (11th Doctor and Amy) [short] - The Doctor lies, but sometimes it's hard to tell.

Halloween Who (A Collection of Halloween drabbles with various Doctors and Companions) [shorts]

Maintenance - (10th Doctor) [Short] - The Doctor gets advice on how to repair the Tardis.

Fanscination - A poem about why Doctor Who is so fascinating.

If you enjoy the stories please leave a review or comment. Feedback is the only reward a fanfic writer gets. Thank you.

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