Full Length Adventures [Multi-Chapter]

Apr 22, 2011 10:21

Doctor Who Adventures - All Stories List

Here is a list of all the full length Doctor Who stories on the site.
All stories are rated G or PG,  the same as the TV series.

Nebula of Lost Souls - (12th Doctor, Clara Oswald) - The Doctor and Clara find something very strange in a disappearing nebula.

Up a Tree - (11th Doctor, Amy, and Rory) [Multi-Chapter] - This is a sort of "Doctor Who" meets "Avatar" story, without the avatars.

The Doctor, Amy, and Rory land on a human colony world where the colonists live in gigantic trees. A whole city in the treetops. But what starts out as a lark, ends with a murder, an ancient mystery, and  a local race of "not quite intelligent" spider-monkey-like creatures that might have a reason for not quite being intelligent.

Youth is Wasted on the Young (11th Doctor, Amy, and Rory) [Multi-Chapter] {words - 62,742} - What would happen if you didn't age? What would happen if 12 years old was as old as you'd ever get?

The 11th Doctor, Amy, and Rory visit a world where the Fountain of Youth isn't just a dream, but an everyday reality. The humans of this world have fought to adapt to some very strange conditions. But they aren't the only ones that have learned to adapt to ensure the survival of their race. Something has arrived, and it's growing, waiting its chance, and suddenly a world full of kids may seem very vulnerable indeed. ( Chapter Index)

Wherever it's Christmas (11th Doctor, Amy, and Rory) [Multi-Chapter] {words - 11,676} - Amy has decided it's time to celebrate Christmas in the Tardis, whether the guys like it or not.

Peacemas - (A Doctor Who Christmas Story) - (10th Doctor and Martha) [Multi-Chapter] {words - 19,645} - The Doctor and Martha arrive on a future colony world and are taken in by a colonial farming family for Peacemas. But some strange sandy patches have been showing up around the farm. And the farmer's three year old son goes missing. The Doctor has seen something like this before.

OK Doc - (9th Doctor and Rose) [Multi-Chapter] {words - 25,126} - The Ninth Doctor gets to play cowboy as he and Rose accidentally end up back at the OK Corral, a few months after the First Doctor story "The Gunfighters". But something new is brewing in Tombstone, involving an ancient culture, a myth, a legend, and a bunny rabbit.

Baby Gods - (10th Doctor and Donna) [Multi-Chapter] {words - 6,690} - The Doctor and Donna must rescue a newborn baby god from rogue geneticists who are looking for the secrets of immortality.

The Worldship - (8th Doctor) [Multi-Chapter] {words - 10,625} - The Doctor answers a distress call from a worldship where the occupants are going mad and spontaneously combusting. They say it is all the fault of a baby. But who are these invisible aliens hiding in the walls?

Flipsided - (10th Doctor, 8th Doctor, Rose, Jack) [Multi-Chapter] {words - 14,013} - The 10th Doctor and the 8th Doctor have been accidentally switched in time. While Jack and 10, in 8's Tardis, try to figure out what happened and get back, 8 and Rose are confronted with some unexpected problems when the Tardis is invaded.

If you enjoy the stories please leave comments. Writing stories is hard work and fanfic writers don't get paid. The only reward we get for writing these stories is to know that people are enjoying them. Please let us know. Thank you.

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