Clothes - (10th Doctor, Donna)

Jun 13, 2017 09:27

Title: Clothes
Author: betawho
Rating: PG
Characters: 10th Doctor, Donna Noble
Words: 404

Summary:  The 10th Doctor finds Donna in the wardrobe trying to find something to wear...( Read more... )

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Comments 1

dm12 June 13 2017, 15:17:19 UTC
[...running her eyes up and down him derisively.] Only Donna would do that derisively! Hilarious!

I still think the TARDIS may have purposely broken the laundry services to see what they would do. Her occupants' antics never cease to amuse her.

As for the Doctor, with the amount of time he eyes Donna's "girls," I am glad he showed a little evidence of thinking before he answered her question about running around in nothing but a hat... a "Yes" answer to that might have gained him a slap. And him fixing the laundry? He'd try to make it more "efficient," likely leaving the dryer to dry so fast, it would burn everything up!


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