Title: Secret Santa
Author: betawho
Rating: PG
Characters: 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, River
Words: 4175
Summary: The Doctor and River take Amy and Rory to a world where Secret Santa has been raised to a whole new level.
"Where are the sleigh bells?" Amy asked, rummaging through the boxes and bags scattered all over the Tardis floor.
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Comments 11
Well, of COURSE it does because he's five.
Honestly, that whole paragraph had me gasping for breath. So, so perfect, lol!!
All their presents were phenomenal and so, so THEM. I can almost see River demanding he take it off and put it away (promising he can wear it for five minutes on christmas) while he whines that it is HIS present and it is so colorful and see the shiny lights and wouldn't she like a chocolate and-
I must say that fur coat gave me an idea for a River/Eleven one shot. That may or may not get written.
But this was definitely the best Christmas-y thing I've read in a long time.
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