The Magic of Friendship - Fic Rec!

Sep 15, 2012 01:03

(This is reposted from a collection of drabbles by doctorpancakes.  I loved it so much I wanted to share! Please leave a comment here, or go to the collection and read them all and comment there. They're awesome!)

The Magic Of Friendship
Characters: Three, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
Word Count: 113
Summary: Equestria

"You must promise me not to mention this to anyone," warned the Brigadier, using his front hoof to prod with disapproval at his flank.

"My dear Lethbridge-Stewart, have you ever known me to be anything but the soul of discretion?" replied the Doctor, tinkering as best as he could without opposable thumbs at the Time Lords' predictably malfunctioning transformation beam that had been meant to restore their humanoid form now that their contractually obligated mission to rescue the elements of harmony had been accomplished.

"Quite so," agreed the Brigadier, "but I really must protest that my assigned, erm, cutie mark, should be something as undignified as a pile of fluffy bunny rabbits."
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