Jun 07, 2007 11:52

How does this thing work?

To put it simply: first you nominate, then you vote.

On Monday, June 11th, nominations will open. You can nominate up to five stories per category, and you will have the choice of commenting to a post here (comments will be screened) or emailing your nominations to bestofheroes [at] gmail [dot] com with the word "nominations" in the subject line. Nominations will close on Monday, June 18th.

quarterturn and hebrew_hernia will have two weeks to compile all of the nominated fics for each category. The five most-nominated stories in each category will be the official nominees. quarterturn and hebrew_hernia will post the nominees on July 2nd, at which point voting will begin. Voting will be open from July 2nd-July 16th and will be done either by LJ polls or emails to bestofheroes [at] gmail [dot] com; again, your choice. Winners will be posted July 30.

Questions/suggestions regarding the process can also be directed to bestofheroes [at] gmail [dot] com.

What if I don't want to be nominated?

If you don't want to be nominated, please comment here (comments are screened).

What kinds of stories are eligible?

Eligibility is covered in the categories post. All of that information will also be reposted when nominations are opened.

Can I nominate myself?


Can a fic that doesn't fit into any of the ships listed still be nominated for another category? (Could I nominate a Sylar/Claire fic for best dark fic, or a Nathan/Claire fic for best dramatic fic?)


I still don't understand the length requirements for eligibility. Can you please clarify them?

Stories shorter than 1000 words are only eligible for the 'short' categories (Best Short Het Fic, Best Short Slash Fic, and Best Short Gen Fic), and only stories shorter than 1000 words are eligible for those categories. That means that a 1500-word story can't be nominated for Best Short Het Fic, and a 600-word story can't be nominated for, say, Best Nathan/Claire Fic. Stories 10,000 words or longer are only eligible for the Best Work-in-Progress and Best Epic Fic categories. Stories between 1000 and 9999 words are eligible for all other categories.

Of course, there is a little bit of leeway here. As long as the story you want to nominate is within +/- 100 words of the length requirements, we'll consider it okay.

Are original characters eligible for the Best Other Character-Centric Fic category?

No. Only canon characters (who do not have their own category) are eligible for the Best Other Character-Centric Fic category.

Are works in progress eligible for other categories in addition to the Best WIP category

No. Works in progress are only eligible for the Best WIP category.

Any and all questions, comments, and concerns can be directed to bestofheroes [at] gmail [dot] com.

[FAQ updated 6/16/07]


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