The 'Unabeauverse' timeline

Dec 23, 2005 13:39

A chronological list of stories written by Altariel and Isabeau, including Dwimordene's and Soledad's contributions.


Kin-Strife, chapter 10 by Isabeau
  • A flashback within the narrative of Kin-Strife.

c. 2971
Pawns and Symbols by Soledad

  • A young Imrahil & Andrahar story.

Dol Amroth Diptych by Dwimordene

  • Andrahar discovers that friendship will take you where you never - ever - wanted to go...

Kin-Strife by Isabeau (WIP)

  • Nineteen-year-olds Imrahil and Andrahar have an experience in a brothel that threatens their relationship. Warning: Explicit slash in Chapter Five.
The Bed They Make by Dwimordene

  • From friends and lovers to friends and brothers. A (slight) reconsideration of the one night Imrahil spent with Andrahar - two AUs for the price of one.

At Sea by Altariel

  • Denethor poses an important question - at sea.

Reconciliation by Dwimordene

  • Justice is one matter, forgiveness another. In the wake of an infamous failure of fellowship, the Swan Knights and esquires of Dol Amroth struggle with the messy business of achieving both.

Tolerances by Dwimordene

  • A story about allowances, set in the Best-loved Sons arc. Features Peloren, Andrahar, Imrahil and others.

Tattoo by Isabeau

  • Newly promoted to a ship of his own, Prince Imrahil is set upon a means of celebration that Andrahar does not approve of.

Ultimatums by Isabeau (WIP)

  • Prince Imrahil is commanded to seek a wife by his father, and sets his sights on the girl next door.
Outcasts by Soledad

  • An independent story featuring Andrahar and Mánion, the healer - among other recurring original characters of Soledad's.

Hard Sailing by Isabeau and Dwimordene
  • Shield Man by Isabeau

    The most danger Andrahar had ever faced.
  • Bitter Victory by Isabeau

    Something that you did that you wish you could undo...
  • In the Doldrums by Dwimordene

    As the captain goes, so goes the ship. As the captain's brother goes, so goes the captain. The aftermath of battle is just not smooth sailing.

Lady of Silences by Altariel

  • Finduilas, Faramir, Boromir, Denethor: a very bleak vignette.

Winter 2988
Caretaking by Altariel

  • What aid can come to this heavy house?

Possessions by Altariel

  • In the vaults of Minas Tirith, Gandalf makes a new friend.
The Eagle and the Swan and The Sickle of the Valar by Altariel

  • A series of vignettes in which Faramir learns about the stars. Part of the Stargazers challenge.

The King Is Dead by Altariel

  • Denethor teaches a young Faramir the game of chess.

The Best Gift of All by Isabeau

  • Fourteen-year-old Faramir spends the holidays with his mother's family in Dol Amroth.

Motherless by Isabeau

  • Prince Imrahil's family struggles to deal with the loss of their mother. Written in response to the Mother's Day Challenge on HASA. Angst and cuteness in weird proximity.
Self-Defense by Isabeau

  • Captain Andrahar takes his responsibility to teach Prince Imrahil's children to defend themselves very seriously. But the youngest prince, Amrothos, presents a unique challenge.

A Brotherly Gift by Soledad

  • Prince Imrahil makes his sworn brother, Andrahar, a very special anniversary gift. This is an anniversary fic, written for Isabeau as an answer to the Edhellond Group's Anniversary 2006 Challenge.
Proof by Altariel

  • How to win friends and influence people. Faramir and the Ithilien Rangers.

Dec 3006
Discretion by Isabeau

  • Boromir travels to Dol Amroth one Yule to seek tutoring in a very important subject from his former Armsmaster Andrahar. Warning: explicit slash.

Seaside Conversations 1 by Soledad

  • Imrahil, the Prince of Dol Amroth, has an unexpected visitor. Foreshadows of the upcoming dark days are discussed.

Cage No Bird by Isabeau

  • Prequel to Captain My Captain: an 11 year old Heth learns as much of the truth as her father deems fitting.

Revelations by Dwimordene

  • Boromir obtains a very important piece of information about his family and himself.
Trust Part I and Trust Part II by Dwimordene

  • Trust: because without it, love is meaningless.

Blackbow by Isabeau

  • The prequel to Captain My Captain. How Hethlin of Anórien became a Ranger of Ithilien.
Shall We Dance? by Isabeau

  • Lothiriel has just one wish for her coming-out in Minas Tirith, and the only person who can help is... Uncle Denethor? A Chicago Summit story.

Autumn 3017
Foundered Land by Altariel

  • In the dark times, will we be singing? / Yes, we'll be singing of the dark times. Faramir and Gandalf in the library of Minas Tirith.

Dec 3017
Lossarnach Yule by Isabeau

  • A holiday tale of Gondor, wherein a dead Ranger's family is visited by three strangers who bring a change of fortune in their wake.

June 3018
Consolation by Isabeau

  • In the aftermath of a crushing defeat, Boromir finds a way to make Faramir feel better.

July 3018
Discovery by Isabeau

  • The sequel to Discretion. The end of the relationship. Or, what politics do to strange bedfellows. Warning: explicit slash.
Visions by Isabeau

  • In the days before he leaves for Imladris, Boromir has a disturbing dream, and a talk with a certain young Ranger from Anórien.
In Extremis by Dwimordene

  • Boromir's last letter to Faramir.
Disclosure by Altariel

  • Faramir's perspective on the events of Discovery.

    Dec 3018
    A Pale Light Lingering by Altariel

    • The old year ends, Boromir has not returned, and Faramir makes the journey from Minas Tirith to Ithilien.

    Feb 3019
    Parth Galen by Isabeau

    • What might have happened had Boromir been a little less desperate, a little less despairing? The moment when things changed. An AU to the Best-Loved Sons arc.

    March 3019
    Swan in Stone by Isabeau

    • Some bits and pieces from an uncompleted work about Imrahil at the Siege of Gondor and the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
    Well-Favored by Isabeau

    • A young girl fleeing Minas Tirith before the siege encounters a special soldier.
    Intent by Altariel

    • The epilogue to Proof.
    Death By Water by Altariel

    • Faramir and Denethor await news of Boromir, and Faramir dreams of water.
    In the Waiting by Altariel

    • As the Halflings sleep, Faramir contemplates the Ring.
    What The Thunder Said by Altariel

    • Faramir during the defence of Minas Tirith.
    Mercy by Altariel

    • What happened to Angrim in the War of the Ring. Sequel to Intent.
    The Burial Of The Dead by Altariel

    • Denethor remembers the dead and the dying.
    Flame of the West by Altariel

    • In the Houses of Healing, a Steward and a King.
    Ariel by Altariel

    • Finduilas is made of air. A tiny ghost story.
    The Fire Sermon by Altariel

    • Faramir and Éowyn in the Houses of Healing.
    Through A Glass by Altariel

    • Faramir, in the Houses of Healing, answers the question: Éowyn, heroine or deserter?
    Fear of Flying by Altariel

    • Faramir and Éowyn in the Houses of Healing.
    Bittersweet Watch by Altariel

    • Elfhelm has kept watch for years now.
    Face of the Enemy by Soledad

    • The Battle of the Pelennor Fields, seen from the enemy's POV. Sequel to Pawns and Symbols (well, sort of).
    On Far Fields by Dwimordene

    • They fought for Sauron, died for folly, but above all, they stood for honor... The enemy dead of Pelennor fields get their elegy, and Andrahar of Dol Amroth faces an array of private demons.
    False Fire by Dwimordene

    • Fire is not for usurping God. Esteven prays for Denethor.
    [Love in Other Languages by Dwimordene
    • A companion piece to "False Fire". Fleshing out a little of Esteven's many-times-removed ancestral background...]
    Last Rites by Isabeau

    • On the night before the Battle of the Morannon, questions are asked and answered about Boromir's death.
    Captain My Captain by Isabeau begins

    • Events in RoTK as experienced by a young Ranger of Ithilien.

    April 3019
    Adrift by Altariel

    • A spin-off from chapter 12 of Captain My Captain involving the Steward of Gondor and the Cygnets of Dol Amroth.

    Lithe 3019
    Captain My Captain, chapter 42, by Isabeau

    Midyear Day 3019
    Captain My Captain, chapters 43 and 44, by Isabeau

    Lithe 3019
    Captain My Captain, chapter 45, by Isabeau

    Seaside Conversations 2 by Soledad

    • Imrahil, the Prince of Dol Amroth, sails into Edhellond after Aragorn's wedding to say his farewells to the Lord of the South Haven.

    July 3019
    Captain My Captain, chapters 46-53, by Isabeau

    Musing by Isabeau

    • A sidebar to Captain My Captain - Prince Imrahil's inner dialogue, between Aragorn's marriage and Mablung's.
    Aftermath by Altariel and Isabeau

    • Captain, My Captain: The Director's Cut! After their very different encounters with Hethlin, Faramir and Imrahil have a little chat.
    Temptation by Isabeau

    • Disappointed in love, the Prince of Dol Amroth turns to the one who has never failed him. A gap-filler for Captain My Captain. What happened at home the night Hethlin refused Imrahil.
    The Silver Swan by Isabeau (WIP)

    • The further adventures of Hethlin of Anórien.

    Aug 3019
    Horses and Verses by Altariel and Isabeau

    • After Théoden's funeral feast, Éomer and Faramir have a little chat.
    The King's Shilling by Altariel

    • A sequel to Possessions. A final parting near Edoras.

    Sept 3019
    Noble Jewel by Isabeau

    • A stable-boy and the Commander of the Swan Knights of Dol Amroth find that they have something in common...

    Nov 3019
    Doggerel by Isabeau

    • Hethlin's first days in Dol Amroth are not happy ones, at least in part because of a certain song.

    Dec 3019
    Dol Amroth Yule by Isabeau

    • Hethlin's first Yule in Dol Amroth.
    Reparation by Isabeau

    • In the aftermath of the events of Yule, Andrahar encounters an unforeseen difficulty. An Andrahar and Brand story and a sidebar to Dol Amroth Yule.

    c. 3020
    Black Captain by Altariel

    • Office politics in Minas Tirith.

    Early 3020
    Homecoming by Isabeau

    • Imrahil returns home to pass judgment on pirates and on his dearest friend.

    February 3020
    Wallowing by Isabeau

    • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Is it? And ugliness? Is it also relative?A scene from Silver Swan.
    Confirmation by Isabeau

    • Brand's first meeting with Imrahil.

    April 3020
    The Lost by Altariel

    • A sequel to Noble Jewel: Faramir comes face to face with Brand.

    Aug 3020
    A Game of Chess by Altariel begins

    • What happened to Faramir and Éowyn after the fairy tale wedding?

    May 3021
    For Want of Roses by Dwimordene

    • Imrahil enters incautiously into a delicate matter... Pre-Passages. Features Imrahil, Andrahar, Brand, Esteven.

    Aug/Sep 3021
    Passages by Isabeau (WIP)

    • In the days surrounding his fourteenth birthday, Brandmir finds out the truth and peril finds him.

    Mettarë 3022/F.A. 1
    The Use of Memory by Altariel

    • Memory is not what the heart desires. Faramir and Arwen.

    Mar/Apr 3023/F.A.2
    In A Stone City by Altariel

    • A spin-off from A Game of Chess (after chapter 15): Éowyn in Rohan, after Faramir's visit.

    July/Aug 3023/F.A.2
    A Game of Chess by Altariel concludes

    • From Minas Tirith to Ithilien, to Rohan and back: more riding to and fro and being intense in gardens.

    December 3023/F.A.2
    Sensibility by Altariel (not yet published)

    In Memoriam by Altariel

    • Faramir, ten years after Boromir's death.
    Remembrances by Altariel and Isabeau (WIP)

    • Faramir and Andrahar, ten years after Boromir's death.
    A Kind of Valediction by Altariel

    • Ten years after the pyre. A Minas Tirith ghost story.


    Inheritance by Altariel

    • An epilogue to A Game of Chess.
    The Case of the Silver Letters by Altariel
    • If you have ever wanted to read a Holmes pastiche set in Ithilien after the Ring War - you can now.

    July/Aug F.A.15
    Fair Game by Altariel

    • In which people go bird-watching and find their courage.

    Autumn F.A.15
    Rematch by Isabeau

    • Faramir deals with the further ramifications of taking up his sword again.

    Mettarë F.A.15
    Mothers' Night by Altariel

    • Faramir and Éowyn in Ithilien, weaving new traditions out of old.

    In All But Blood by Isabeau

    • An epilogue to Pawns and Symbols.

    Red River by Altariel

    • Faramir and Aragorn in a short fable of globalization.
    The Recall by Isabeau

    • You don't need to teach an old Prince new tricks, he has plenty of his own...a sequel to Red River.

    Undated, in this time period
    Memorial by Altariel

    • Faramir and Éowyn, remembering the Pelennor.
    Journey's End by Altariel

    • Inns, beer, folk songs, and Rangers.
    Flowers of the Forest by Altariel

    • Reflections on the war to end all wars.
    The Machine that Changed the World by Altariel

    • Hidden in a cellar in Minas Tirith, a new invention is about to make its mark upon the world...

    Wizards' Pupils by Altariel

    • On teaching and tutors, wizards and stewards - and the importance of honest debate. A Chicago Summit story.

    Late Fragment by Altariel

    • For Isabeau; who, for her birthday, asked for a story about Faramir and Hethlin.

    In Passing by Altariel

    • "Then let us cross the River and in happier days let us dwell in fair Ithilien and there make a garden..."

    Fourth Age by Isabeau (WIP)

    • A look into the distant future-Hethlin as a terrible old woman.

    Multiple times
    The Permanent Stars by Altariel

    • A short piece about starlight and dreams, written for a Mother's Day challenge.
    Ploughshare Seasons by Dwimordene

    • "They shall beat their swords into ploughshares" - Isaiah 2:4. A Chicago Summit story.
    Five Things that Faramir Never Said to Andrahar by Altariel

    • Sometimes the right words are hard to find.
    Bequests by Altariel

    • Some drabbles from Ithilien, on the theme of bequests.
    Garden of Gondor by Altariel

    • Drabbles from the Fourth Age about the Prince of Ithilien and his family.
    The Last Log of the Foam-Flyer by Isabeau (WIP)

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