Shattered ★/ drabble.

Dec 20, 2010 11:15

Title: Shattered
Pairing: broken Jong Hyun/Jessica
Rating: PG
Word Count: 194
Summay: Their speak to the night, not each other. But they hear, but don't let themselves know.
Author's Note: Because I still ship them so hard. Terrible writing. So short. But I had to do it.


their words are scared whispered to the night, not to each other. the other does not exist as they lie there, watching the stars. it is the sky and each of them, alone.

"i don't like him with her. i don't. i hate it. i do."

"but she has jin ki, so why do i matter? why does she care?"

"jin ki has tae yeon. i have no one. i used to have him. where did he go? why did he leave me?"

"i don't even like my girlfriend the way I like her. why did i do this? why am i so stupid?"

and jessica hears his words as she wants to say something to him - him and not the sky. but the words are in her fingertips and instead just reaches out and hold his hand.

"hey moon, sometimes i'm just scared that without him one day i'll shatter. give me the strength to let go."

and jong hyun hears and grips tighter. he knows he'll shatter if he ever lets her go. so he tells the sky, "please give me the desire to hold on. even if i don't deserve to."

!writing, genre: romance, rating: pg, pairing: jessica/jong hyun, length: drabble, genre: angst

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