Title: Those Three last words...
Dark_dreamer123 Pairing: Gerard/Bert
Rating: NC-17
POV: Bert's POV
Summary : Bert wakes up one day to realize that his world is forever changed.
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue
Author Note:Warning this has rape mentions of drugs and drinking. If you have any problems with it then tell me or plain and simple don’t read it. Special thanks to my beta Tanya. You made this chapter work so well. This is my first time posting in Bert/Gerard I hope you all like it. If you get confused at any point just ask me. If there any Pierre David in this story point them out to me if i missed any.
Chapter one and Intro Chapter two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five
I looked at my watch. It was 7:58 PM and just starting to get dark outside. I walked to Gerard's room and knocked on the door. He yelled at me to open it, so I did. He's standing in front of the mirror fixing his eyeliner. He was dressed so beautifully. He had gone back to the tight pants and dress shirts. I smiled at him. "Babe, are you ready?" I asked. He turned and smiled.
With one more flip of his hair he responded, "Yeah, I am. Where are we going?"
I shook my head. "It's going to be a surprise," I said.
He giggled. "Okay, fine let's get going," he said putting on his watch.
"Okay, come on babe," I said. I hugged him and put my arm around his waist. He nodded and together we walked out of the house locking up as always. Parked in front of our house was a limo. When Gerard saw it, he smiled. I loved that about him now. A week ago he was crying all the time, so it feels great to see him smile again. I opened the door for Gerard and followed him inside. I looked up in front and signaled the driver to go to our destination. Gerard looked at me the whole time. He blushed a bit, and I smiled and kissed his cheek. We chatted a bit, both of us speaking soft and low.
The car finally came to a stop. Gerard looked outside, and I pulled a blindfold from my pocket. I wrapped it around Gerard's eyes. He tensed up immediately. "Shh, calm down babe. Trust me," I whispered in his ear. He nodded, and I got out of the car and pulled him with me. I wrapped my arm around him and lead him down to the beach. There was a blanket laid out on the sand with a basket resting on top. I smiled and led Gerard to the blanket. I sat myself down and pulled Gerard down next to me. I made him face me and removed the blindfold. His eyes opened, and he looked around.
"Bert?" he looked at me questionably.
"Yeah, I know. You remember that we had our first date here," I said. He smiled and nodded. I smiled back and opened up the basket. Inside were some whipped cream and strawberries. I pulled out the two containers. Gerard looked at me.
"You recreated the first date we ever had?" he whispered. I nodded.
"I wanted to show you that I remember everything. And that I wanted to do something special for you."
"Come on then, let's eat," he whispered. I nodded and opened the containers to pull out a strawberry. Gerard stood up and curled into my lap. I sat up and got comfortable. He was in the middle of my legs, and I had my arms around him. I dipped the strawberry in the cream and brought it to Gerard's lips. He took it and bit into it as I did the same with mine.
He put his head on my shoulder. "Pass me the cream," he whispered. I nodded and picked it up for him. He dipped his strawberry in it again and brought it to his lips. "Thank you Bert," he said. I smiled.
"Thank you for the chance babe," I whispered in his ear.
Gerard had gotten some whip cream on his top lip, and I wanted to lick it off so badly. "Babe, you have some, uh, whipped cream just right there," I said showing him on my face. He couldn't get it off so I did it myself. I licked the whipped cream off my finger. Gerard took some whipped cream with his finger and put if on my neck making me shiver. "Babe, that's cold," I whined. He smiled and brought his head down and licked it off. I felt his warm tongue lapping up every last bit. I had to bite back a moan as he left my neck to look at me.
He kissed my jawline then up to the side of my mouth. His lips covered mine, but he pulled away. He stood up and sat back down wrapping his legs around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his stomach. I loved being this close to him. He wrapped his arms around my neck.
"Remember when we did this on the first date?" he whispered. I nodded. He looked down at me and smiled.
"Do you want to take a walk with me?" I asked.
"We didn't do that on our first date," Gerard said playfully.
"Well babe, it's time to make some new memories."
Gerard kissed me on the cheek and jumped up. "Let's go then," he said as he took off his shoes and socks. He rolled up his pants a bit as I mimicked his previous actions, only not rolling up my pants. Gerard was just weird like that. I wrapped my arm around his waist and felt him relax in my arms and rest his head on my shoulder.
We walked near the water so when the waves would come in we would get splashed, and I would hear Gerard's small giggle. I don't know how long we were out there, but every so often we would speak. It was something that we would remember for the days to come. I missed having Gerard like this with me. He was so happy with the simplest things. Like the movie Dirty Dancing or strawberries and cream, walks on the beach, and just talking, or not at all.
At the end of the night as both of us walked to the limo in each others arms, I knew right then and there that everything I had ever wanted was right next to me. If I fuck this up again it would kill him, and I never want to lose him.
Once we got back to the limo, Gerard curled up to me and fell asleep. This gave me time to just stare at him and soak up every last detail. The way he breathed, the way he made these little noises while he was away and dreaming. The limo finally came to a stop in front of our house. I opened the car door and took Gerard in my arms and carried him to the front door. The driver unlocked the door for me, and I thanked him and invited him in to give him a tip.
I laid Gerard on the couch and went into my wallet. I took out a twenty and gave it to the guy. He handed me my keys, and I thanked him and walked him to the door. He smiled and walked out, and I locked the door behind him. I walked back to Gerard and lifted him up again. I carried him to our bed and laid him gently on it.
He was still in his fancy clothes. So I took off his tie and the dress shirt. Next I removed his pants only to find him naked underneath. Some things never change. I left him for a second as I pulled out one of my over sized t-shirts. I lifted him and put it over his head and pulled it down over him.
Gerard was a dead sleeper, nothing could ever wake him up. I smiled and fixed him on the bed before pulling the covers over him. I kissed his forehead and looked for a t-shirt for me. Once I found one, I stripped down to my boxers and put the t-shirt on. I looked at Gerard one last time and left the room. I laid down on the couch and pulled the blanket I had over me.
I love you babe...