Theeeeen, we propose the following deal: Nathan will have to spend 24 hours dead, like a regular character... but he'll wake up alive, with a heart beat, normal functions, etc.
Because the City has a (bad) humour, following his first death, he'll receive a monthly bill of one GREEN, referencing a number: L#75A
If he ever passes by the mortuary, he might find an empty locker bearing that label, available only to him, at his discretion >D
Done and done! The City has an awesome sense of humour. :D
Just to make sure, would he still have the ability to go back to his homeworld? Also, could there be some sort of consequence in place to make sure he pays his bills? Possibly that he becomes City Dead until he pays up once it's overdue, but that's just a suggestion. Otherwise he'll probably just ignore them. >.>
Well, Nathan, the City Mayorship is saddened by your refusal to become an upstanding citizen. After all, while the debt implies a hole in your already thin funds, it is only through an understanding of debt that a young man can reach maturity.
If Nathan refuses to pay, he'll gradually start getting harassed by City tax collectors: letters of debt notice will just find him - first, they'll show up at his door, then, say, with his checks and restaurant bills, then people will be waking him up at nice, because hey, maybe the other 42 warnings he received that day didn't get to him. After a while, the deities will have no choice but to place a public bounty on his head. At that time, Nathan can either pay up, commit some kind of act that'll eliminate the whole debt, or hope that none of his fellow citizens feel particularly mercenary.
But, Nathan, don't make the City do this to you. It hurts it more than it hurts you.
It's pretty much inevitable it'll come to the bounty stage before he pays up, so I'll just drop a comment somewhere letting you know when he has died. Thanks for answering!
Because the City has a (bad) humour, following his first death, he'll receive a monthly bill of one GREEN, referencing a number: L#75A
If he ever passes by the mortuary, he might find an empty locker bearing that label, available only to him, at his discretion >D
Just to make sure, would he still have the ability to go back to his homeworld? Also, could there be some sort of consequence in place to make sure he pays his bills? Possibly that he becomes City Dead until he pays up once it's overdue, but that's just a suggestion. Otherwise he'll probably just ignore them. >.>
Well, Nathan, the City Mayorship is saddened by your refusal to become an upstanding citizen. After all, while the debt implies a hole in your already thin funds, it is only through an understanding of debt that a young man can reach maturity.
If Nathan refuses to pay, he'll gradually start getting harassed by City tax collectors: letters of debt notice will just find him - first, they'll show up at his door, then, say, with his checks and restaurant bills, then people will be waking him up at nice, because hey, maybe the other 42 warnings he received that day didn't get to him. After a while, the deities will have no choice but to place a public bounty on his head. At that time, Nathan can either pay up, commit some kind of act that'll eliminate the whole debt, or hope that none of his fellow citizens feel particularly mercenary.
But, Nathan, don't make the City do this to you. It hurts it more than it hurts you.
It's pretty much inevitable it'll come to the bounty stage before he pays up, so I'll just drop a comment somewhere letting you know when he has died. Thanks for answering!
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