good luck! What instrument do you play? I played violin from fourth grade through high school, and informally since then...but I remember every fall having to play for your chair....I never got to be first violin though...but I did get to be second one year....
I play the flute and trombone...this audition was flute though. It didn't go too well, I think I have some degree of preference because I was in orchestra last year, but we'll see..
I think it's kinda funny how you say that you were lazy with practicing. Exactly when did you expect to practice? You were working constantly, more than most adults I know, trying to be a responsible adult and save money to help pay for college (I think). Don't be too hard on yourself for not practicing as much as you would have liked, it's done with. And there's no way that you could suck- it's just not in you. You're Heather. And you rock at flute.
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