Dark_Christian - Ask a moderator

Dec 06, 2010 18:39

This post is for asking "mod questions" (not covered in the guidelines) or reporting issues in the LJ community dark_christian.

Please check our excellent community info page for general info.

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Those of you who are reading my regular journal can go to the next post now. If you're here for D_C, keep going. )

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Comments 5

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Re: Curious about why a post was deleted berkeleyfarm September 9 2007, 18:55:59 UTC
Second question first:

I agree, that would have been a way around it, but we can't make that sort of edit.

First question second:

I appreciate your concerns. The post was deleted because it went beyond "self defense" to a personal attack on dogemperor best done elsewhere. In addition, the tone was inflammitory enough (not to mention the triggering subject matter) to cause drama and a general flamewar.

We've nuked several other ... um, over-aggressive ""self-defenses"" ... recently that weren't personal attacks on named members. The personal attack thing would, however, be enough for Something To Be Done.

Thanks for asking, and I hope that addresses your questions.


just_a_sliver October 18 2007, 15:09:32 UTC
I would really like to join the dark_christian group. Please add me if possible. Thanks.


berkeleyfarm October 19 2007, 14:09:25 UTC
Hi, please use the Join This Community button. Let me know if there are problems.


just_a_sliver October 19 2007, 16:38:25 UTC
I clicked on the "join this community" link and it said that dark_christian is not accepting new members. I would just watch the community, but I'd like to participate in the discussions. Is there a way around this?


berkeleyfarm October 20 2007, 18:58:17 UTC
Ok, will talk to the team about this. We froze membership during the last trollercaust, but it might be time to take that off. With moderated posting, we should be fine.


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