Title: The Loco of Loki (1/4)
Author: Beren
Fandom: Avengers 2012, Iron Man, Thor
Pairing: Tony/Pepper/Loki (eventually)
Rating: NC17/18
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Marvel et al. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Warnings: SPOILERS for Iron Man 3,
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Comments 5
You know, Odin and family should have come up with 'how to act in the event that Loki did something that would screw with his mind'. Something like to please his adopted Dad, he kills his biological Father, and all the I'm proud of you son but .. should have been prepared for. Maybe it's the 6 little words, I love you no matter what, with a strong hug.
That's all supposing that Loki wasn't adopted for the purpose of being made a weapon by Odin.
I really don't think Odin knew how react with Loki - he just wasn't prepared. Frigga seemed to be the only one who understood him at all and I suspect she's the only person who could bring him back really.
*grins* Yes the conundrums we create, even the all knowing Odin can be caught in.
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