Merry Month of Masturbation - Day 05
My MMOM Master List 2010 Title: The Fatted Calf
Author: Beren
Fandom: Highlander
Pairing: Richie/Methos
Rating: NC17/18
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned Rysher Entertainment et Al. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
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Comments 23
Kind of cool that he can't die though... Not by a silverbullet to kill the werewolf, nor beheaded to kill the immortal...
Thank You!
At first I was going to let silver be the kicker, but then I realised that if werewolf trumps immortal then immortal should trump werewolf as well so only a combination should be able to kill him ::g::.
Thank you.
Not immortal after all...
Clever You!
I love Richie/Methos and I particularly love werewolf Richie. Is there more?
I love the whole premise and story but it's imagining how gobsmacked Duncan must have been at the end that is the icing on the cake - and made me grin like a loon.
Thanks so much!
I like this Richie quite a bit and I think Methos would too. Poor Duncan though... I think his brain would break... at least for a little bit.
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