Fic: MMOM11 Day3, Following Instincts, AIs8, Adam Lambert/Kris Allen, R

May 04, 2011 11:36

I think I may have to resign myself to being a day late all month, if I even make it that far.

Title: MMOM11 - Day 03 - Following Instincts
Author: Beren
Fandom: American Idol s8
Pairing: Adam Lambert/Kris Allen
Rating: R
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, the real people in it are used without their permission and I definitely don't own them or have any copyright to any part of any of them. I do not believe any of this happened, is likely to happen or should happen it is simply a story created around known facts about those involved.
Warnings: none
Summary: Adam is a little bit psychic and Kris Allen sets off his instincts from the moment they first meet so when Adam realises there's something wrong with Kris he has to help.
Author's Notes: I started writing this a while ago and had no idea where to go with it, MMOM seemed the perfect way to finish it off. Thank to Soph for the beta.
Word count: 2,369
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There were many advantages to being a little bit psychic. For example the moment Adam caught a news item about season 7's American Idol and that feeling started at the back of his head, he knew without a doubt he needed to be in season 8's line up. Of course there was a downside too; he had loved Brad with all his heart, but after a while he had known it just wasn't going to work. His second sight was not always easy to interpret, or timely, but it did help him occasionally.

Sometimes, however, it confused him.

Like when he met Kris Allen for the first time. His instincts said 'pay attention' and it wasn't just his hormones talking, but he couldn't figure out why. There was something very odd about the petit southern man. Just being in the same room with Kris made Adam's teeth ache and yet he found himself drawn to the other man. When they were made roommates he figured he was either going to figure out what was up with Kris or go insane.

The odd thing was, on the surface, Kris was perfectly normal. Kris was cute and cheerful and the definition of what a good Christian should be, rather than a bible bashing headcase. Adam liked Kris a lot, but there was the whole weird part.

Adam noticed that it was worse at night and hardly there at all first thing in the morning after Kris popped a handful of herbal vitamin pills. If he had been the prying type he might have investigated the pills, but Adam respected people's privacy. He didn't mind peeking at their toiletries when they were displayed in the bathroom, but he drew the line at going through anyone's belongings, even when his sixth sense was going completely mental.

After three weeks he was almost used to the constant hum of something when he was around Kris. That was why when it changed he noticed and began to worry.

They were up so early and dragged out of the mansion so quickly thanks to a royal fuck up on someone's part that made Adam want to kill, that their usual morning routines were thrown into chaos. For the first hour all Adam could think about was a need for caffeine in any form, tea, coffee, red bull, intravenous, he didn't care. It was after that, when things had settled down and he was awake, that he began to notice Kris was not his usual self.

Kris looked pale and tired and was nowhere near as cheerful and smiley as usual. Even when they were all at their lowest, Kris could usually drag up a smile for those around him from somewhere. It was one of the things Adam really loved about his adorable roommate. As the day wore on Kris seemed to get worse as well. By lunch the normally bouncy singer had taken to hiding behind dark glasses and sitting down quietly whenever possible.

Adding that to the fact that the whole weird field Kris gave off was increasing hourly, Adam was worried.

It didn't surprise him at all that as soon as they were taken back to the mansion Kris excused himself to his room. Adam gave his friend ten minutes and then followed. He really did not expect to find Kris tucked into the corner of the room, head on knees shaking like a junkie in withdrawal, with the contents of the little tin of herbal pills spread across the carpet.

"Damn," he said, shutting the door and locking it so no one else could come in.

Under other circumstances he might have concluded that Kris was an addict who had missed his fix, but Adam's instincts were telling him the situation was far more complicated than that.

"Please go away," Kris whispered quietly, without lifting his head.

"No way, Kris," he replied, crossing the room and kneeling down next to his friend. "Something is going on with you and you need help."

"You can't help, no one can help."

"Yes I can," Adam said, because he was absolutely sure that he had to.

When he carefully reached out a hand and placed it on Kris' shoulder, Kris flinched back and Adam's sense of strangeness went up another couple of notches.

"Adam, please go," Kris said in a desperate voice, still not looking up.

"Kris, I can't, every instinct in my body is telling me I have to help you."

"You can't," Kris said and finally looked up.

For a moment Adam had to just stare, because he wasn't sure what he was seeing.

"Explain please," was the best he could do since the golden eyes with the red rings did not go away on a second look.

"I'm a vampire," Kris said and flashed a fang to back it up.

Adam considered that for a moment while somewhere in the back of his brain a small piece was dancing for joy.

"How can I help?"

Kris stared at him open mouthed.

"You're not running away," Kris said in a vaguely stunned tone.

"No, why should I?" Adam replied, genuinely confused.

Kris gave him a look.

"Adam, you're sharing a room with a vampire," Kris said, "that's the kind of thing that would usually make people nervous."

"Well you haven't molested me yet in my sleep," Adam replied, "because if you have I'm going to be pissed I missed it."

That almost made Kris smile, which given the circumstances Adam counted as a victory.

"Adam, focus," was what Kris said.

"Kris, you're sharing a room with a gay man, that would freak out a lot of straight guys, so just accept neither of us is rattled. Now, tell me how I can help you. Since you don't normally look like this I assume something is wrong and it has to do with these pills."

Kris nodded.

"They stop the cravings," Kris explained, "but it's gone too far. Normally I have Katy, but because we're apart I have to take these. Because of this morning I forgot and now it's too late."

"Blood cravings and you usually feed from Katy?"

Kris nodded again.

"Katy's not a vampire?"

Kris gave another sign to the affirmative.

"Could you feed from me?"

Kris' eyes opened in shock and then there was something akin to horror for a second or two.

"No," Kris said, and Adam had the feeling he had said something completely inappropriate, "it's, um, not you, but, um ..."

"Like cheating?" Adam asked, because that was the only equivalent he could come up with.

Kris looked utterly relieved that Adam got it.

"Between adults it's considered like sex," Kris explained. "When we're kids we feed off our parents and families can still feed platonically, but the rest is all consenting adults."

"Your whole family are vampires?" Adam's mind boggled a little.

Kris nodded; "Except Dad."

Adam tried to imagine Kim with golden eyes and fangs and failed.

"It's more complicated than the movies," Kris said. "We can be stronger and faster and we can mess with people's minds in desperate need, but most of the time we're just human."

"Not immortal then?" Adam had always loved the immortality aspect of vampire legends.

"Mostly not, just a few, occasionally and they're the ones who can make normal humans into vampires like them if they want to. Otherwise it's the birds and the bees like regular people."

It was all a hell of a lot to take in, but it all came back to one thing; Kris needed help.

"So what can we do to help you?" Adam asked, since he knew he had to do something.

Kris rubbed his face and looked dejected.

"I don't know," was the quiet answer; "I need Katy."

Adam sat down next to Kris and put his back against the wall. There was just no way to get Katy into the mansion without causing a whole lot of fuss that would definitely be noticed. Best case scenario was that Kris would be kicked off for violating the rules, worst case was lots of people would find out vampires were real.

"Look," he said, going over their limited options in his head, "it's an emergency, right?"

"Yeah," Kris replied.

"And in an emergency you have to do things you would never normally consider doing?"

Kris nodded, looking a little unsure.

"Then I think you have to feed from me," Adam looked Kris directly in the eye as he said it.

His instincts were screaming at him that he had to do this.

"After that we can get you back on your pills and make sure this doesn't happen again and Katy can kill me if she wants to."

Kris was frowning at him, but he could see astonishment in Kris' eyes as well.

"Why would you do that for me?"

"Firstly, you're my friend," Adam said, since that was the underlying principle, "and secondly I have a secret too. Nothing as big as yours, but I'm kind of psychic. No flashy visions, well I've had two in my life, but I think they were anomalies, just feelings and every instinct I have is yelling at me that I need to help you with this."

Kris' frown had given over to the astonishment completely now.

"You're psychic?"

The complete disbelief in that question made Adam laugh.

"And you're a vampire, so get over it."

"Sorry," Kris apologised quickly, "I've never met a real psychic before."

That made Adam laugh some more, because it just seemed so absurd coming from an honest to god vampire.

"Are you going to let me help you?" he asked. "Couldn't you pretend I'm your brother or something, after all you're straight?"

The way Kris looked suddenly guilty gave Adam a clue that that wasn't going to work.

"Okay," he said, "skipping over which part of that makes you look like that, how about you just do what you have to do and I agree never to mention it again unless you need me to explain it to Katy or something?"

That made Kris appear even guiltier.

"How is that fair?"

"This isn't about fair," Adam replied, "it's about me being your friend and making sure you don't go all Dracula on this house. Besides, it sounds like I'm going to enjoy it."

Watching a vampire blush was incredibly amusing as Kris turned a lovely pink.

Adam held out his wrist.

"This okay?"

Kris nodded and then opened his mouth to protest.

"Shut up and drink." Adam was not taking no for an answer.

He could tell the moment Kris' resistance gave, for one Kris finally stopped shaking completely and Kris' eyes fixed on his wrist in what could have been a very creepy way. Adam had fantasies about vampires, lots of them, but he did his very best to push all of them away as he started repeating the mantra 'helping a friend' in his head.

When Kris took hold of his wrist he closed his eyes; he was pretty sure that fangs going into his arm would hurt. What took him by surprise was when he felt a tongue run over his skin. It caused him to open his eyes again in shock, somehow it felt more intimate than he had expected. He quickly discovered that his wrist began to feel a little numb, which made a whole lot of sense. He was glad Kris didn't look up at him, because he thought he probably looked like an idiot with the way he was reacting. Trying really hard, he went back to his mantra.

As Kris actually bit him it stung a little, but not even half as badly as getting a tattoo, so Adam managed to stay completely still. At least he did for a few seconds and then he felt his cock twitch. The sensation of Kris' mouth on his wrist was one thing, but he was doing his best to ignore that, this was something more. It was almost as if he was being intimately touched, although there was no definite sensation, just his body reacting. Even his mental mantra didn't help in the slightest and he began to realise why Kris had said this was a sexual thing.

His cock continued to harden and eventually he couldn't help himself, he had to shift a little to relieve the pressure. Now, of all times, Kris decided to look at him and Adam found himself pinned down by golden eyes that were almost luminous. He had no choice, he moaned and that just seemed to heat up Kris' gaze all the more.

He was no longer looking at his sweet, friendly roommate, this was a different animal entirely and Kris hit so many of Adam's buttons it wasn't true. As Kris drank Adam began to pant. The sensations running through him were like the results of the best sex he had ever had. His cock was so hard it ached and there was a familiar heaviness and growing tightness in his balls. He realised with dazed shock that he was about to come and there was nothing he could do about it.

The orgasm hit him like a freight train and he had to stuff his spare hand in his mouth to stop from being incredibly loud about it. Really it should have been embarrassing; he hadn't come that fast since he was a teenager, but actually it was just mind blowing. It was one of those moments that took his whole body, starting at his core and radiating out to the tips of his fingers, his toes and the very top of his head. He literally shook with it and ended up slumped against the wall breathing hard and trying to remember how to think. He was barely aware of Kris finishing up.

"Adam," Kris' voice sounded a little distant, "Adam, are you okay?"

He blinked and when he managed to focus on Kris he was once more looking at his friend back to normal. His instincts were also singing happily at him that everything was wonderful.

"Good god, Katy is a lucky woman," seemed about the only appropriate thing to say.

The End

rating: r to nc17/18, pairing: ai - adam lambert/kris allen, genre: vampires, category: slash, ficfest: mmom, rating: r to nc17, fandom: adam lambert/aidol, genre: vampire, fictype: short fic, type: fiction

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