sorry to bother you, beowabbit, but i'm wondering how the heck to get one of those banners for rabbit hole day on my page. i wanted the first one shown, with red text, but the code won't paste properly to my journal. any suggestions? thanks. :)
I just went to, scrolled down to the comment that contained the HTML for the badge I wanted (picking it out by looking for "Conquer Greenland”), and copied it and pasted it into a new entry in my journal. I didn’t even turn off auto-formatting, although in retrospect it would have been safer, in case there were bogus line breaks in the HTML.
Do you post through a dedicated client, or through the web interface? I did the above with the web interface. Good luck, and Off with their heads!
hmm, seems that semagic is to blame. i did it through the web interface, and it worked fine. thanks so much, and have you seen my hedgehog? it crawled off while i was trying to tuck my flamingo more securely under my arm to play croquet.
Comments 4
Do you post through a dedicated client, or through the web interface? I did the above with the web interface. Good luck, and Off with their heads!
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