Egg mold question

Apr 21, 2007 15:51

A few of my friends have decided to start making bento for lunch since I started posting about it and quite a few of them are fascinated by egg molds.
One of my friends just left me a comment asking me if the egg molds do this to the inside of eggs:

I said yes, the yolk usually takes on the shape of the mold, but then I realised: those eggs are still round! Does anyone have any clue how this was done?
My friend found the picture at but I can't read katakana or hirigana so I have no idea what it says - can anyone read it and tell me if there are instructions?

I need to know how this was done! It's driving me crazy, how on earth could you make the yolk take on a shape but not the white? It looks as though they are boiled eggs too so it makes no sense!
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