Let's Be In Love Again, Doryeon-nim

Sep 13, 2010 05:35

Title: Let’s Be In Love Again, Doryeon-nim
Characters: Sungmin, Kyuhyun, ninja!Eunhyuk
Genre: Romance, AU
Rating: PG-15
Warning: Implied sex scenes
Disclaimer: The storyline, ideas, themes and such of this fic are mine. The boy band Super Junior belongs to SM Entertainment and themselves.

A/N: This is NOT the final episode of this mini-series. I repeat ( Read more... )

char : eunhyuk, pairing : kyumin, fandom : super junior, type : fanfiction

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Comments 59

SPOT!! ^^ benniot_91 September 12 2010, 21:37:42 UTC
for vin11lover, cuz she's so bz TT___TT


Re: SPOT!! ^^ vin11lover September 13 2010, 02:11:57 UTC
becaue i'm so bz? what is bz?

kyumin together!!!!\0/
i love this, but this is not the end right? because i need a lot moar!!
will kyu ever be top in this fic?
i crave for top!kyu

hyuk love min??0_______0
what happen with hae??


Re: SPOT!! ^^ benniot_91 September 13 2010, 02:21:53 UTC
ehem. bz = BUSY!! ahaha

sorry! no top!kyu^^ but im starting to miss top!kyu too....TT__TT

the end of Kyumin, but later we'll be talking bout Hyukjae^^

hyuk love min!! ^^

ohohohooo later later^^


Re: SPOT!! ^^ vin11lover September 13 2010, 02:35:03 UTC
how could this be the end of kyumin??
i still need a bunch of fluffy-sweety-caring-adorable-lovely-intimate scene between them DX
but i enjoy hyukjae too though..
*thinking hard*


SPOT!! ^^ benniot_91 September 12 2010, 21:38:12 UTC
for casanova7, cuz i promised u^^


Re: SPOT!! ^^ casanova7 September 13 2010, 01:56:27 UTC
OMG I'm so happy you gave me the spot!!!! *grins*
BRB, reading... :))


Re: SPOT!! ^^ benniot_91 September 13 2010, 02:43:13 UTC



Re: SPOT!! ^^ casanova7 September 13 2010, 02:55:07 UTC
This is totally not bad at all, this is great, I love it ( ... )


SPOT!! ^^ benniot_91 September 12 2010, 21:38:38 UTC
for kangaroobb, cuz i love u^^


Re: SPOT!! ^^ kangaroobb September 13 2010, 06:25:03 UTC
wahh this time i see this spot! XD
actually i scan it carefully before i leave comment XD
thanks for the spot...and the love as well XD **blush**
love you too unnie~!!

"that was still aching from Sungmin’s energetic thrusts and manly grips (WOW!) just a few moments ago."
couldn't stop LOL at the "WOW!" you made LOL LOL LOL!!!!

"there’s no way he would let Eunhyuk to see his butt that was covered in Sungmin’s lovebites(YUMMY)!!"
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! again, the bracket words made me LMAO!!!!!!!
aishhh unnieeee ~~ > and and and.... is that even possible that a person leave lovebites on the butts?? ermmm maybe yea, lee sungmin is the first one XD ( ... )


Re: SPOT!! ^^ benniot_91 September 13 2010, 16:56:30 UTC
ahaha lovebites on the butts is possible!! but i'll leave it up to your imagination... *evil grins*

u love that part? well sungmin is kyuhyun saviour after all XD

that Garfield comforter ?? haha cuz i use the same one, so i wanna kyu to wear the same as me ;DD

nono, ryeowook, i didnt accuse you of doing anything!! but since u r responsible for the food so i thought... *got bricked by wookie's fans*

ahaha i dun really care if u want to quote everything that is funny in here, as long as u enjoy it^^

thaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnkkkkkk yooooooooouuuuuuuu~~!

*hugs and dont wanna let u go*


Re: SPOT!! ^^ kangaroobb September 14 2010, 08:00:29 UTC
chinja yo??? O__O??
i would try that next time XD
because is weird to leave love bites there XD

no wonder LOL!!
i would thought that kyuhyun use character of starcraft comforter O__O

unnie is so cute and funny!! XD
**hugs back and stay still ** XD


SPOT!! ^^ benniot_91 September 12 2010, 21:39:13 UTC
for shortixxlove, cuz u love kyumin too<333


SPOT!! ^^ benniot_91 September 12 2010, 21:40:13 UTC
for fanmin, cuz u love my series^^


Re: SPOT!! ^^ fanmin September 13 2010, 05:18:03 UTC
awww a spot!! thank you very very much~!

aah, finally Kyu got to know it all,,
but but this is seriously not finished right?? there are still moree right???
cus yeah i'm really in love with this series,,
i can read all series again and again~~~

i hope for a hyukkie's happiness tho
it's easy to pity on him here..

waits for more Kyumin love from youu~


Re: SPOT!! ^^ benniot_91 September 13 2010, 05:47:42 UTC
haha kyumin is done in this series...TT__TT

and the ending will be told in hyukkie's story^^
yeah he'll find his love soon i promise^^

please wait then, i'll give u more kyumin looooooove~~ *hugs*


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